Home 2019 Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival

2019 Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival

Nominee:[Liaoning, China]: He Zhaolun~2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Nominated Poet: He Zhaolun, Manchu, born on October 7, 1970, is a member of the Chinese Writers Association, and currently lives in Jinzhou, China. He started to write in 1988...

Nominee: [Jiangsu, China]Liu Dingguo~2019 Pentasi B World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Nominated Poet: Liu Dingguo was born in Suzhou, Jiangsu in 1955. In October 1990, he was invited to Austria to hold a painting exhibition...

[Video] Italian Poet Maria Miraglia Won 2019 World Poet Laureate Of Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards & 2019 Pentasi...

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Awarded Poet: MARIA MIRAGLIA: Poet, Literary Director, co-founder, PABLO NERUDA CULTURAL ASSOCIATION, ITALY and the founder of World Foundation for Peace.

Nominee: [Shandong, China] Heart Butterfly~ 2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Nominated Poet: Xindie, Her ID name is Yang Xiaoping. She wrote a prose poem collection “Bronze Rain” and a long series of poetry collection “Xindie Poems and Prose Collection” and two collections co-authored.

[Video] Chinese Poet Dazang Chen (13 poems) Won 2019 Pentasi B World Inspirational Award & 2019 Pentasi B World...

Poet DAZANG CHEN from CHINA, is accepting the PENTASI B SPECIAL CITATION (AWARDS) 2019 PENTASI B WORLD FEATURED POET AWARD from PHILIPPINES, Awarded by Poet Doc PenPen (2019-11-23 Xi’an Hotel, Xi’an, China)

[Video] Sophy Chen, the Chinese poet and translator, Owns NERUDA AWARD (The First Chinese Poet)

Sophy Chen, me, has been highly-selected as Honorary Membership by PABLO NERUDA ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE. In 2019 Sophy Chen is also the first Honorary Membership of Neruda in China. Really honored!

Nominee:[Hubei, China] Mai Mang L (Liao Yongzhang)~2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Nominated Poet: Liao Yongzhang (oneline name: Poetry Brother, Bamaizi, Bashan Men, Shepherd, Hollow Man, etc.). He is a poetry wanderer in poetry rivers and lakes and a freelance writer…

[Video] Luo Qichao(Yangzi) Awarded 2019 World Network Poet Of Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards And 2019 Pentasi B World...

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Awarded Poet:Luo Qichao, male, a permanent member of Hong Kong Poets Union, member of Chinese Poetry Association, member of Jiangxi Writers Association, Deputy Secretary-General of Ji’an Branch…

Nominee: [Hunan, China] Wang Zhanyun~2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Award

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Nominated Poet: Wang Zhanyun, a pseudonym, Jin Zi, was born in Guangdong province and online name Yunduoduo. She is a member of Hunan Writers’ Association, Changsha Writers…

[Video] Poet Liang Nianzhao(7 poems) Awarded 2019 PENTASI B WORLD POET LAUREATE & 2019 SOPHY CHEN WORLD POETRY AWARD,...

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Awarded Poet: Liang Nianzhao was born in Guangzhou in 1957. He is a poet, writer, and cultural planner…

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