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Collection of World Poetry Yearbook series

75Nations 631poets 631Poems: Preface & Contents Of Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2022 (C-E Bilingual)

A total of 631 poems by 631 poets from 75 nations have been selected for the paper edition of the Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2022(C-E Bilingual). PLS submit 3 poems, each one within 25 lines in English to me.

“Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021” has been published in 14 countries including USA, UK, DE, FR, IT,...

"Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021" has finally been published simultaneously in 14 countries including the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the Netherlands, Japan, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Australia, India and China.
Image of Translator Sophy Chen

Call For Poems Of Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2022 (C-E Bilingual)

We are now openly calling contributions from Chinese poets who are influential and accomplished at home and abroad. Details as follows: 1.Poems Requirements: Free verse or modern new poems, metrical poems, and haiku...

The Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 is a landmark in the history of International Poetry from Sappho...

Sophy Chen's World Poetry Yearbook 2021 sets new standards in Poetry as both Homer and Sappho did in classical times. Her inspiration sets a new landmark with translations from 691 poets. She employs new ways of presenting poetry to the world.

Global Book Launching Ceremony of Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 (C-E Bilingual) Held Successfully In Guangzhou, China

Global Book Calling Ceremony of Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2022 (C-E Bilingual) & Opening Ceremony of Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum Guangzhou China Branch, held successfully on August 6, 2022 in Guangzhou, China.

The Covers, Contents & Preface of Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 (C-E Bilingual)

“Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook” , Since the call for its contributions was publicly released, we have received contributions from more than 30,000 poets of 150 nations. The book finally has been selected a total of 691 poems of 691 poets from 63 nations.

Call For Poems Of Sophy Chen’s Translation Of “World Poetry Yearbook 2021” (C-E Bilingual)

Translator Sophy Chen, Sophy International Translation Publishing House, Sophy Poetry & World Translation Website plan to edit and publish a volume of Sophy Chen's Translation Of "World Poetry Yearbook 2021" (C-E Bilingual) every year a book.

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