The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)


苏菲主编《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴》(汉英对照) 常年征稿
Call For Poems Of Sophy Chen’s Translation Of “World Poetry Yearbook” (C-E Bilingual) all years

新诗1首不超过25行;古体诗词4-8句左右; 俳句3-9句
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Please submit 1 masterpiece of free verse in English within 25 lines
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Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)世界诗人诗歌集(英汉对照)全球常年征稿
Notice to Contributors of World Poets' Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)
联系微信: sophypoetry3,478674384




The Philippine Star
Sunday issue 09/02/2020 page 17


Writer: Nenita Ramiro – Rondera
Translator: Sophy Chen




The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)


[The Philippine Star, Sophy Poetry & World Translation Website, Sophy Poetry & Translation C-E World Paper Magazine, Sophy International Translation Publishing House, Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum, Sophy Chen Education, PENTASI B World Poetry Friendship, Chinese poet Sophy Chen and poet Nenita Ramiro – Rondera co-edited and published the News in China and Philippine]
[《菲律宾明星报》,苏菲诗歌&世界翻译网,《苏菲诗歌&翻译》英汉纸质世界诗刊,苏菲国际翻译出版社,苏菲世界诗歌博物馆,苏菲陈教育,PENTASI B世界诗歌联谊会,中国诗人苏菲,诗人内尼塔•拉米罗-伦德拉中国、菲律宾联合编辑报道]


The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)


The multiple differences among us are mathematical truths that are either conspicuously existing on us or impeccably concealed inside us. We live in diverse colors, shapes, sizes, quantities, and values. But, each of us definitely possesses in oneself an incomparable chiseled individuality which can distinctly resonate in a crowd or simply melt away behind the spotlight. It is our own positivism or negativism which may raise us up to victory or put us down to fiasco. But, varied as we are, an honest advocacy one does for this living world, separates him from the fellows who merely live and breathe. Indeed, it matters how a person sees, performs, shares, and sustains that individual quality he has, not only in the circle he belongs, but in the vastness of the sphere he inspires. The polynomials of diverse things he owns do not make him a significant being, neither the question if he is just an exponent, nor a prime factor a plus point, but rather, it is the fraction of concepts, images, or even solutions he creates and shares to his fellows which truly makes him different, perfectly different from a common crowd.


Just recently, what happened in China marked another proof that despite the diversity of humans in terms of so many angles, still, it is the sum total of their contributions to the nation, as well as to the world, in general, which can make them stand out among the rest. Yes! This time it is in the Land of the Red Dragon, China, where one of the most remarkable achievements of a Filipino artist has been acknowledged with full honors and felicitations. Our very own, Doc PenPen Bugtong Takipsilim (real name, Epitacio R. Tongohan, MD), the renowned founder of the international poetry group, the Pentasi B World Friendship Poetry, has been honored as the Father of Visual Poetry. It is undeniably inspiring that a Filipino-doctor-turned-visual-poet has earned for our nation another global recognition, which generously places the Philippines as one of the most reputable countries in the literary sphere. Currently, Doc Pen Pen’s name is listed among the world’s famed visual poets. (From Wikipedia/The Free Encyclopedia)

就在最近,发生在中国的事情再次证明,尽管从很多角度来说,人类是多样化的,但总的来说,他们对国家和世界的贡献是可以使他们脱颖而出的。是的!这一次,在龙之国度中国,一位菲律宾艺术家最卓越的成就之一得到了至高的荣誉和祝贺。本社朋朋博士(本名,塔哥童•塔克皮斯利美•朋朋),著名国际诗歌组织“PENTASI B世界诗歌联谊会”创始人,被誉为“视觉诗歌之父”。毫无疑问,医生出身的菲律宾视觉诗人为我国赢得了另一个全球认可,这是令人鼓舞的,这让菲律宾成为文坛最具声誉的国家之一。目前,Doc Pen Pen的名字已被列入世界著名的视觉诗人之列。(来自维基百科)



[Video] Doc PenPen B. Takipsilim, famous poet from PHILIPPINES, is accepting the FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY OF SOPHY CHEN WORLD POETRY AWARDS from poet, tranlator, SOPHY CHEN of China


Now, let us take a closer view of what occurred during the 22nd-25th of November 2019, and find out how that festive event paved another literary global award for a Filipino artist. The Pentasi B poets, headed by Doc PenPen, took their plane seats and joined the Chinese Poetry Festival, which he co-organized with Ms. Sophy Chen, a multi-awarded Chinese poet, writer, translator and founder of Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards and Sophy Chen Paper Poetry Magazine, SOPHY POETRY and TRANSLATION C-E WORLD PAPER MAGAZINE. It was a four-day festivity of words, rhymes, and friendships graced fabulously by the presence of respected Chinese and international poets. The event was an assembly of zealous delegates who radiated in them the most essential influence poetry can ever have.

现在,让我们来仔细看看2019年11月22日至25日发生了什么,看看这一节日活动是如何为菲律宾艺术家赢得另一个全球文学奖的。以Doc PenPen为首的PENTASI B诗人,乘坐飞机,出席了和苏菲,中国诗人、作家、翻译家、多获得者、苏菲世界诗歌奖发起人、苏菲诗歌&翻译 英汉世界纸质诗刊创始人,联合组织的中国诗歌节。这是一个为期四天,文字、诗歌和友谊交相呼应的节日。令人难以置信地受到中国和国际知名诗人的青睐。此次活动是一群热情洋溢的诗人代表集会,诗人们向诗人们散发出的诗歌魅力产生了史无前例的重要影响力。

On the first day, Ms. Sophy Chen, the main host, surprised the Pentasi B and other international guests by her warm, convivial welcome on their arrival at the Xi’an Xianyang International Airport in China. 

第一天,西安咸阳国际机场,主办人苏菲女士热情、愉快的迎接让PENTASI B和国际诗人非常愉悦和震惊。


[视频] 机场迎接 [Video] Greeting In Airport


Afterwards, the group was transferred to Xi’an-Xi’an Hotel where they were luxuriously accommodated. Then, the 2nd day commenced the program, which is probably one of the most radiant poetry festivals any delegates would ever dream to participate in. The Program highlighted the main events as follows: Poetry Reading, Poetry Discussion, Book Exhibition, Book Launch, and Gift Donation, the latter has been a part of every Pentasi B’s poetry celebration. Basically, the aim is not just to emphasize the generosity of the donor, but most importantly, to showcase the particular products and the creative artistry of either the donor or the country he or she represented. Among the most anticipated and superb part of the event was the Pentasi B’s and Sophy Chen’s awarding of plaques of recognition to the International and the Chinese Poets.

紧接着,诗人们被送到豪华舒适的西安宾馆。第二天诗歌节开幕,一场代表们都梦想参加的最灿烂的诗歌节。活动主要内容有:诗歌朗诵、诗歌研讨会、图书展、新书发布、捐赠礼品等。捐赠礼品已经成为每届PENTASI B 诗歌活动的一部分。其目的不只是强调捐赠者的慷慨,更重要的是,展示捐赠者或他或她所代表的国家的特定产品和创造性艺术。其中最令人期待和最精彩的部分是PENTASI B和Sophy Chen 诗歌奖颁发的表彰国际诗人和中国诗人的奖章。

The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)

The Pentasi B, with Ms. Sophy Chen, became a cornucopia of award-giving. The collaboration between Doc PenPen and Ms. Chen symbolized the laurels and prestige in poetry writing. This literary duo significantly considered the poets who are, otherwise, concerned about the present global issues that confront human beings. Hence, their poems should not only display an artistic beauty, but their themes should also be relevant to changing the world for the better with such perennial impact. Pondering around these majestic concepts would mean poetry in the modern world is not just flaunting the thoughts in pompous words, nor in its schematic beauty, but poetry is also a means to propel an act that can irresistibly change a nation. It should be like a ripple, small it may be, but can create a wider effect around it.

PENTASI B和苏菲女士一起成为了屡获殊荣的聚宝盆。朋朋博士和苏菲-陈女士的合作象征着诗歌创作的桂冠和声望。这对文学二人组在很大程度上考虑的是诗人,他们关注的是当前人类面临的全球性问题。因此,他们的诗歌不仅要表现出一种艺术美,切要具有经久不衰的影响力,其主题也要与改变世界、使世界变得更美好息息相关。对这些宏伟概念的思索,将意味着诗歌在现代世界,不仅仅是用浮华的文字炫耀思想,也不仅仅是用简练的美炫耀思想,诗歌更是一种不可抗拒地改变和推动一个国家行为的手段。它应该像一个涟漪,可能很小,但可以产生更加广泛的影响。

The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)

As Doc PenPen echoes it, the Pentasi B World Poetry Festival in China must bear a noble purpose, that is: “Building Bridges of Friendship for Global Harmony and Understanding Among People of All Nations”; and, as Ms. Chen reiterates it:“Poetry Connects the World. Poetry Makes Us Friends”.

正如朋朋博士所呼吁的,中国的PENTASI B世界诗歌节必须承载一个崇高的目标,那就是:“在国与国人民之间促进全球和谐与理解,搭建友谊的桥梁”;正如苏菲-陈反复强调的那样:“诗歌连接世界,诗歌友谊长存”。



[视频] 花絮 [Video] Highlights


There were sixteen (16) poets/awardees recognized during the second day of the event. They came from different races and cultures, and definitely, were selected through their indisputable bodies of work and their indubitable achievements.


The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)

The three (3) recipients of special citations were:
• (Philippines) Doc PenPen B. Takipsilim, “FATHER OF WORLD VISUAL POETRY”, “2019 SOPHY CHEN WORLD POETRY AWARD”;
• (China) Poet and Translator Sophy Chen, “2019 PENTASI B WORLD POET LAUREATE”, and “2019 PENTASIAN AWARD”;

•(菲律宾) 塔哥童•塔克皮斯利美•朋朋博士“2019苏菲世界诗歌奖 世界视觉诗歌之父奖”;
•(中国)诗人、翻译家苏菲“2019 PENTASI B世界桂冠诗人奖、2019 PENTASIAN年奖”;
•(中国)诗人大藏“2019 PENTASI B世界精神诗人奖、2019 PENTASI B世界杰出诗人奖”

The international delegates/awardees who received recognitions of “2019 PENTASI B CHINA WORLD LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD”, “2019 SOPHY CHEN WORLD POETRY AWARD”, and “WORLD POET LAUREATE” were five (5) very eminent and reputable poets:

荣获“2019 PENTASI B中国世界终身成就奖”、“2019苏菲世界诗歌奖 世界桂冠诗人奖”等荣誉称号的国际代表/获奖者是以下五(5)位非常著名的诗人:

• (India) Poet Dr. Lanka Siva Rama Prasad;
• (Italy) Poet Maria Miraglia;
• (Canada) Poet Ashok Kumar Bhargava;
• (Pakistan) Poet Ayub Khawar; and
• (Turkey) Poet Leyla Isik.

(印度)诗人 兰卡•斯瓦•罗摩•普拉萨德
(意大利)诗人 玛丽亚•米娅歌莉娅
(巴基斯坦)诗人 阿尤布•卡瓦尔
(加拿大)诗人 阿诗欧克 K•巴嘎瓦
(土耳其)诗人 莱莱赛克

The Pentasi B has long been inspired and valued by these remarkable talents. Other awardees during the same event were eight (8) Chinese poets who reached exemplary levels in writing verses:

PENTASI B长期以来一直受到这些非凡人才的启发和重视。同时获奖的有八名中国诗人,他们的诗歌堪称是诗歌创作的典范:

• (China) Xie Mian, 2019 Pentasi B World Lifetime Achievement Award, and 2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, World Poetry Review;
• (China) XiaoXiao, 2019 Pentasi B China World Poet Laureate Award, and
2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, World Poet Laureate;
• [Hunan, China]OU YANGBAI
2019 Pentasi B World Featured Award
2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, World Elite Poet
• (Hunan, China) Chen Hui, 2019 Pentasi B China World Poet Laureate Award, and 2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, World Poetry Collection;
• (Guangdong, China) Liang Nianzhao, 2019 Pentasi B China World Poet Laureate Award, and 2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, World Influential Poet;
• (Hubei, China) Luo Qiuhong, 2019 Pentasi B China World Poet Laureate Award, and 2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, World Influential Poet;
• (Jiangxi, China) Luo Qichao, 2019 Pentasi B China World Poet Laureate Award, and 2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, World Network Poet; and
• (Zhejiang, China) Sheng Xin, 2019 Pentasi B China World Poet Laureate Award, and 2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, World Network Poet.

[中国] 谢冕2019 Pentasi B CHINA世界终身成就奖、2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 世界评论奖
[中国] 潇潇2019 Pentasi B China世界桂冠诗人奖、2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 世界桂冠诗人奖
[中国湖南] 欧阳白2019 [Pentasi B China]世界桂冠诗人奖、2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 世界中坚诗人奖
[中国湖南] 陈辉(眼睛的味道)2019 [Pentasi B China]世界桂冠诗人奖、2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 世界诗集奖
[中国广东] 梁念钊 2019 [Pentasi B China]世界桂冠诗人奖、2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 世界实力诗人奖
[中国湖北] 罗秋红2019 [Pentasi B China]世界桂冠诗人奖、2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 世界实力诗人奖
[中国江西] 罗启晁(阳子)2019 [Pentasi B China]世界桂冠诗人奖、2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 世界网络诗人奖
[中国浙江] 圣歆2019 [Pentasi B China]世界桂冠诗人奖、2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 世界网络诗人奖

Aside from this award-giving activity, another component part of this red-letter day was Doc PenPen’s donation of Pentasi B’s big book (W. 12” x H. 18.5”) to the National Library of China. The book, which features his most noteworthy visual poems, owned its precious and safe stature in the country’s state library and is open for the readers’ art and literary appreciation. A colossal worth, conceived. A historic contribution, achieved.

除了这次颁奖活动外,朋朋博士还向中国国家图书馆捐赠了PENTASI B 巨书(W. 12” x H. 18.5”)。这本书以他最值得关注的视觉诗歌为特色,在中国国家图书馆拥有了珍贵而安全的位置,并对艺术读者和文学欣赏者开放。使其取得了巨大的价值和历史性贡献。


The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)

Successfully, Doc PenPen’s literary legacies had been sealed. Across the globe, his Pentasi B Poetry books had been displayed in the museum, universities, and National Libraries in the following eight (8) countries:

朋朋博士的文学遗产被成功地封存了。他的Pentasi B诗集已在以下八个国家的博物馆、大学图书馆和国家图书馆展出:

• Irving K. Barber Library, University of British Columbia, Canada in 2012;
• OTUSA TV Building, Los Angeles, the USA in 2012;
• The National Library of the Philippines in 2013;
• The University of Sabanci, Turkey in 2014;
• The University of Bari, Italy in 2016;
• The National Library of India in 2017;
• The University of Ghana, Africa in 2018; and
• The National Library of China (Beijing) in 2019.
• The Library of Xi’an International Studies University of China(Xi’an)in 2019

•2019中国国家图书馆(北京) 2019
•2019中国西安外国语大学图书馆(西安) 2019

If we take serious notice on the real implication behind the success of this 2019 PENTASI B CHINA WORLD POETRY FESTIVAL, our profound realization would tell us that its triumph correlates to an investment of a lifetime. An investment of friendship, respect, and kindness which, in the near future, would be of most effective use to the people in their respective nations working entirely to attain harmony and understanding. This investment may seem to be at an average pace today and still need sustenance, but by all odds, in God’s chosen time, that which that has been sincerely invested shall absolutely have its natural fruition. The Pentasi B’s active and unfeigned participation to the said poetry occasion showed the world a wondrous fulfillment of a noble mission. The Pentasi B commits itself in connecting people from varied races, regardless of their skin tones and ideologies. In China, Doc PenPen, with his ceaseless artistic passion, perseverance, and determination, found Ms. Chen’s gentle, loving yet powerful hands to help him express human thoughts and emotions for a common purpose: to build bridges of friendship for Global Harmony and Understanding among people of all nations.

如果我们认真思考一下2019年中国世界诗歌节成功背后的真正含义,我们就会深刻地认识到,它的成功与一生的投资息息相关。友谊、尊重和善良的投资,在不久的将来,将会被他们国家的人民最有效的效仿,他们将致力于实现和谐与理解。这种投资在今天看来似乎速度平平,仍然需要维持,但无论如何,在上帝所选择的时间里,那些被真诚地投资的东西一定会有它自然的果实。PENTASI B积极真诚的参与上述诗歌活动,向世界展示了一个伟大使命奇妙的实现。PENTASI B致力于把来自不同种族的人们联系起来,无论他们的肤色和意识形态。在中国,朋朋博士以他永无停息的艺术热情、毅力和决心,找到了苏菲女士温柔、慈爱而有力的双手,帮助他表达人类的思想和情感,以实现一个共同的目标:为全球和谐和世界各国人民之间的理解架起友谊的桥梁。

The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)


Today, on its 11th year, Pentasi B has continuously shown “what is out there” and “what more to be achieved” in order to sustain the attainment of world friendship and global peace. Doc PenPen, as its founder, becomes an epitome of words in action, word of honor, and words of inspiration. It is not the verses, nor the visual arts alone, that make him indeed impressive, but it is how he works with such intense zeal, positive affirmation, and brilliant effort. He is unquestionably worth-emulating. If this new generation lacks the sense to reach out to others and cannot discern the value of the prodigious quantity and the assiduous quality of its existence, that it just simply exists and later fades away without even leaving behind a spark of its cosmos, then, it should look upon the worth of poets in this life, particularly upon the optimistic impact they create — to heal, to inspire, to awaken!

今天,在第11个年头,PENTASI B不断展示出“存在的东西”和“需要实现的东西”,以维持世界友谊和全球和平的实现。朋朋博士作为它的创始人,成为了行动的话语、荣誉的话语和灵感话语的缩影。他真正令人印象深刻的,不是诗歌,也不是视觉艺术,而是他怎样以如此强烈的热情、积极的肯定和卓越的努力工作。他无疑值得仿效。如果新一代人缺乏接触他人意识,不能辨别值的数量和质量的存在,它只是存在,后来逐渐消退,甚至不能留下宇宙的火花,因此,应该把诗人的价值在这生活中,尤其是在他们创造的乐观里影响、愈合、激励和唤醒!

Doc PenPen, Ms. Sophy Chen, the Pentasi B Delegates, and the Chinese Poets ignite the fire of poetry by consistently sharing their talents, ingenuity, and innovations to the world of Arts and Literature. The China Poetry Event manifested how they have worked hand-in-hand to be able to inspire others and become voices that awaken the hearts and minds of Humanity for global prosperity, peace, and harmony.

朋朋博士、苏菲-陈女士、PENTASI B代表和中国诗人,通过不断地向艺术和文学世界分享他们的才华、独创性和创新性,点燃了诗歌之火。“中国诗歌节”展示了他们如何携手合作,激励他人,成为唤醒人类心灵的声音,为全球繁荣、和平与和谐而努力。

To these eminent poets, for their endearing goal of helping Humanity survive at this crucial time, Kudos! God speed!



The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)

▲ DOC PENPEN 朋朋博士形象照



(Real name: DR. Epitacio R. Tongohan, M.D.)

● Doctor in Medicine, University of Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Medical College, 1984;
● Specialized in Anatomic Pathology, University of Santo Tomas, 1988;
● Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology, University of Santo Tomas, 1979.

● Conferred in the Philippines as“The Father of Philippine Visual Poetry”, 2011;
● Known and recognized in British Columbia, Canada, as “The Father of Visual Poetry”, 2013;
● Proclaimed in Vancouver, Canada as“Visionary Poet”, 2013;
● Adjudged and conferred as “Father of Visual Poetry” by The National Library of The Philippines at The National Museum of The Filipino People, 2013;
● Honored in Turkey as “Görsel Şiir Babası”(Father of Visual Poetry), 2014;
● Honored and recognized in Italy as “IL PADRE DELLA POESIA VISUALE”(Father of Visual Poetry), 2016;
● Honored and recognized Ghana,Africa, as“ANYUINSEM AGYA”(Father of Modern Visual Poetry), 2016;
● Honored and recognized at Century Park Hotel by FILIPINO MOVIE ARTS and SCIENCES
(FAMAS AWARDS) as Father of Visual Poetry (Father of Special Poetry), 2016;
● Doc PenPen received an international recognition in INDIA as DRIISYA KAVITA CHAKRAVARTY (King of Visual Poetry) on the 14th of October 2017
● Doc PenPen acknowledged and revered in Morocco as Father of Spiritual Visual Poetry, 2018.

●Awarded as Outstanding Alumnus in Career Achievement by UERM COLLEGE OF MEDICINE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION INC, 2014;
● Acclaimed in his hometown as “Parangal sa Natatanging Anak ng Tanay”
(Illustrious Son of Tanay), 2014;
● FAMAS AWARDEE, Special Citation on Digital Film Making, 2008.

The PENTASI B Historical Forum in 2013, spearheaded by The National Library of Philippines,
held at the National Museum of The Philippines, composed of international panel of Doctors in Arts and in Literature, Poets Laureates, Published Authors, Professors, visual artists, and students had steered to unearth the mysteries behind his magnum opus, convened, adjudged and re-affirmed Doc Penpen as The Father of Visual Poetry.

Creator of PENTASI B Poetry, 3-Volume Collector’s Edition Book, published
at the National Library of The Philippines, 2011;
The PENTASI B, 3-Volume, Collectors Edition, auctioned at USD 30,000
(USD 10,000 per volume) in California, USA in 2012, and all of the proceeds
were donated to the poverty-stricken Filipino students;

The other copies of PENTASI B Poetry Book, Collector’s Edition:
Irving K. Barber Library, University of British Columbia, Canada in 2012;
OTUSA TV Building, Los Angeles, the USA in 2012;
The National Library of the Philippines in 2013;
The University of Sabanci, Turkey in 2014;
The University of Bari, Italy in 2016;
The National Library of India in 2017;
The University of Ghana, Africa in 2018; and
The National Library of China (Beijing) in 2019.
The Library of Xi’an International Studies University of China(Xi’an)in 2019

Founder of a non profit poetry international organization widely known as PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry, composed of top caliber, multi-awarded, and highly respected poets, writers, and artists worldwide.

Doc PenPen’s unwavering passion to “Inspire, Heal, and Awaken”
for the betterment and survival of Humanity and its harmonious co-existence
with all other life forms in the Universes — The soul’s sole and
solid foundations of his works.




朋朋博士• 塔哥童• 塔克皮斯利美
(真名:一匹塔司欧•R • 童欧汗 医学博士)


●2011年,“菲律宾视觉诗歌之父” 菲律宾授予;
●2017年,被印度多日伊斯塔• 卡维塔•查克拉瓦蒂公认为国际(视觉诗歌之王)
●2019年,在中国被授予“苏菲世界诗歌奖 世界视觉诗歌之父”。


2013年,PENTASI B历学论坛由菲律宾国家图书馆牵头举行:
此次论坛由菲律宾国家图书馆牵头举办,研讨会在菲律宾国际博物馆举行。由艺术家、文学博士、诗人奖得主,出版人、作家、教授、视觉艺术家和学生组成。探讨其作品背后的奥秘,召集,评审和重新审视 ——确认了朋朋博士是视觉诗歌之父。

PENTASI B诗歌创始人,出版3卷收藏版图书
PENTASI B,3卷,收藏版,拍卖价格为30,000美元

PENTASI B诗集的其他副本珍藏版收藏如下:
•2019中国国家图书馆(北京) 2019;
•2019中国西安外国语大学图书馆(西安) 2019

朋朋博士是非营利性国际诗歌组织,知名的PENTASI B世界诗人联谊会创始人,由全球顶尖水平,多奖项和备受推崇的诗人,作家和艺术家组成。





The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)

About Neneth Ramiro Rondera
Neneth Ramiro Rondera is a World Featured Poet and has been nominated as World Writer Laureate in 2019. She is a contributor to famous broadsheets like the Pinoy Parazzi. She is one of the administrators and editors of The PENTASI B, a group of International Poets.

内尼塔•拉米罗-伦德拉是世界著名诗人,2019年被提名为世界桂冠诗人。她是《皮诺派拉奇报》等著名报纸撰稿人。也是PENTASI B管理者和编辑之一。



The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)
©Translated by Sophy Chen 
翻译版权所有 侵权必究


The Philippine Star Report: CHINA HONORS A FILIPINO AS THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY (Writer Nenita Ramiro – Rondera, Translator Sophy Chen)▲苏菲形象照 Image of Sophy Chen

Sophy Chen, her name, Lihua and family name, Chen, born in Lueyang, Hanzhong, Shannxi Province, China, is the Chinese contemporary poet, translator, and American English Legendary Poet. She graduated from English Institute of Xi’an International Studies University in English Literature. She is the founder of Sophy Poetry & World Translation Website, Sophy Poetry & Translation(C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine and Sophy International Translation Publishing House, the president of Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum, the founder of Sophy Chen World Poetry Award. She began to write Chinese poetry in 1989 and English poetry in 2004, and translate Chinese Poetry into English poetry and English poetry into Chinese poetry in 2005. She won the annual “International Best Translator”Award 2012(C-E), the Chinese Contemporary Poetry (2013-2014) Translation Award (C-E), PENTASI B WORLD FEATURED POET 2018(E-E) and PENTASI B WORLD INSPIRATIONAL POET 2018(E-E), International Icon of Literature of MEWADEV LAUREL AWARD – 2018, India (E-E), NERUDA AWARD OF ITALIA (E-E), WRANGAL’s GOLDEN PEACOCK AWARD (E-E), PENTASI B PENTASIAN AWARD (E-E), and PENTASI B WORLD POET LAUREATE AWARD (E-E). She translated and published six Chinese poetry collections into English, The Flower Swaying (2014), The Tibetan Incense(2014), The Outlook of Life (2014), The Different Tunes (2014), The Body Forward (2015), and A Poetry Biography for White Snake (2015). She published an English poetry collection, Sophy English Sonnets, Tuberose (2018). She translated, edited and published Poetry Selection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards (2019), the poetry collection I Find Your Beauty In The Taste Of Your Eyes by Chen Hui (Taste’s Eyes) (2019) and Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine. Sophy Chen is the Host-Organizer & Sponsor of CHINA WORLD POETREE FESTIVAL 2019, PENTASI B World Fellowship, Mainland China, 2019.

苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代诗人、翻译家。美国英语“传奇诗人”。生于陕西汉中略阳;毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院。“苏菲诗歌&世界翻译网”、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊、“苏菲国际翻译出版社”创办人、“苏菲世界诗歌博物馆”馆长。“苏菲世界诗歌奖” 发起人。1989年开始汉语诗歌写作、2004年开始英语诗歌写作、2005年开始英汉双语诗歌翻译。获2012年度 “国际最佳翻译家奖”(评选语言英汉双语)。“中国当代诗歌奖”(2013—2014)翻译奖(评选语言英汉双语)。获PENTASI B 2018世界杰出诗人奖(评选语言英语)。PENTASI B 2018世界精神诗人奖(评选语言英语)。获2018米瓦德威•桂冠奖——“国际文学偶像”(评选语言英语)。获印度朗格尔金孔雀奖(评选语言英语)。获意大利聂鲁达奖(评选语言英语)。获Pentasi B 2019年度奖(评选语言英语)。获Pentasi B世界桂冠诗人奖(评选语言英语)。翻译出版英译诗歌集六部:《花动摇》(2014)、《藏香》(2014)、《生之瞭望》(2014)、《异调》(2014)、《胴体向前》(2015)、《白娘子诗传》(2015)。出版英语诗歌原创集,“苏菲英语十四行诗”《晚香玉》(2018)。自主翻译自主编辑出版诗歌合集《PENTASI B 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗选》(2019)。翻译编辑出版诗集《从眼睛的味道中找到你的美》(2019)。主编主译 《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊。苏菲是PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖主办方、组织人和赞助人。


sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究


[Shandong, China] Tianyu: PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award Nominee. ISSN:2616-2660, 2616-5058Pentasi B 中国世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖
中外诗人诗集/作品展 常年征集参展图书/艺术作品
接受诗歌集/作品集图书参展, 接受艺术作品捐赠永久馆藏;
苏菲微信:sophypoetry3, sophypoetry2 (投稿/捐赠)

Books Contribution For Exhibition Of Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Poetry Collections of Pentasi B China-World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards

Sophy Poetry & Translation纸刊《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)世界诗刊 常年征稿
"Sophy Poetry & Translation" (E-C) Magazine Needs Poems All Years
联系微信: sophypoetry3,478674384
a good poem or more poems, bio in 100words, send to

PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award苏菲世界诗歌博物馆常年征集中外诗人诗集/作品集/艺术作品
Sophy World Poetry Museum Collecting Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Poetry Collections All Years

接受诗歌集/作品集图书参展, 接受艺术作品捐赠永久馆藏;
苏菲微信:sophypoetry3, sophypoetry2 (投稿/捐赠)



sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究





Copyright Statement

1. Works translated by Sophy Chen, whether it is English-Chinese translation or Chinese-English translation, the copyright of the translated text belongs to the translator Sophy Chen. Without the written permission of Sophy Chen, the translated text may not be altered, re-translated or translated into other languages.
2.The translated works whose target language is Chinese or English (the translator's name is removed) are not allowed to be published on the Internet, published in domestic and foreign publications or awarded as the original works or translated works of the author. If the translated works are not accompanied by the translator's name or without the original language or target language or conceal the translator's name, you will be treated as infringement of translation copyright and will be notified online and investigated for legal liability.
3.No translated works or translated publication maybe reproduced,co-edited or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher, author or translator.
4. The copyright of the original works belong to the original author. Without the written permission of the original author, no individual may alter or copy the works. Without the written permission of the original author and the original publisher, no other publishing institution may usurp or reprint the original publication.

[ 法律顾问:李刚 Legal Counsel : Ligang ]



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