[Video]Sophy Chen Honored as Ambassador to China of Italy's Parnaso Award in Italy, and received a live interview to...

Chinese Poet and Translator Sophy Chen Honored As Ambassador to China of Italy’s Parnaso Award in Italy, Made Her Acceptance Speech in English. and interviewed by Italian government media. Sophy Chen Awarded Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, Cultural Friendship Awards Of Italy-China to Italian Poet

[Video] Chinese Poet & Translator Sophy Chen Appointed Ambassador To China By Academy Of Arts And Philosophical Science of...

Sophy Chen Appointed Ambassador To China, for his contribution in dissemination and promotion of the INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC AWARD OF CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE.

[Video] Italian Poet Maria Miraglia Won 2019 World Poet Laureate Of Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards & 2019 Pentasi...

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Awarded Poet: MARIA MIRAGLIA: Poet, Literary Director, co-founder, PABLO NERUDA CULTURAL ASSOCIATION, ITALY and the founder of World Foundation for Peace.

[Video] Chinese Poet Dazang Chen (13 poems) Won 2019 Pentasi B World Inspirational Award & 2019 Pentasi B World...

Poet DAZANG CHEN from CHINA, is accepting the PENTASI B SPECIAL CITATION (AWARDS) 2019 PENTASI B WORLD FEATURED POET AWARD from PHILIPPINES, Awarded by Poet Doc PenPen (2019-11-23 Xi’an Hotel, Xi’an, China)

[Video] Sophy Chen, the Chinese poet and translator, Owns NERUDA AWARD (The First Chinese Poet)

Sophy Chen, me, has been highly-selected as Honorary Membership by PABLO NERUDA ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE. In 2019 Sophy Chen is also the first Honorary Membership of Neruda in China. Really honored!

[Video] Luo Qichao(Yangzi) Awarded 2019 World Network Poet Of Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards And 2019 Pentasi B World...

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Awarded Poet:Luo Qichao, male, a permanent member of Hong Kong Poets Union, member of Chinese Poetry Association, member of Jiangxi Writers Association, Deputy Secretary-General of Ji’an Branch…

[Video] Poet Liang Nianzhao(7 poems) Awarded 2019 PENTASI B WORLD POET LAUREATE & 2019 SOPHY CHEN WORLD POETRY AWARD,...

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Awarded Poet: Liang Nianzhao was born in Guangzhou in 1957. He is a poet, writer, and cultural planner…

[Video] Chinese Poet Chen Hui (10 Poems), Won 2019 World Poetry Collection Of Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, 2019...

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Awarded Poet:: Chen Hui, pen name, Eye’s Taste, He has published Chinese and English poetry collection I FOUND YOUR BEAUTY IN THE TASTE OF YOUR EYES (2019) translated by Sophy Chen…

Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum: Notice For Donation Of Books / Artworks 苏菲世界诗歌博物馆接受图书/艺术品捐赠通知

Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum: It mainly collects, displays and studies original poetry collections, poet manuscripts, poet prose/fiction collections, poet reviews, poetry calligraphy and other creative works by poets from all over the world.

[Video] Sophy Translation C-E: Chinese Poet Ouyang Bai (68 poems), Won PENTASI B WORLD POET LAUREATE & WORLD ELITE POET...

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Awarded Poet: Ouyang Bai is a doctor of philosophy, a member of Chinese Writers Association, a vice president…

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