Yang Jiang, the Chinese Famous Writer, Literary Translator, Foreign Literature Researcher, the Wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, Died at the Age of 105, in the Beijing, China


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Notice to Contributors of World Poets' Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)
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Yang Jiang, the Chinese Famous Writer, Literary Translator, Foreign Literature Researcher, the Wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, Died at the Age of 105, in the Beijing, China

(Netease News, Phoenix News, Xinhua News Agency, Beijing News, Tencent News, Shenzhen Evening News, Sichuan Online – West China City Daily, The Paper, www.China.com, Hexun.com, www.huanqiu.com, www.sophypoetry.com, and etc Reported.)

Sophy Poetry & International Translation Website, on Wednesday 25 May, 2016, Sophy edited to report and translated by Phoenix News, to the world:

Yang Jiang, the Chinese famous writer, literary translator, foreign literature researcher, the wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, died at the age of 105, in the Beijing Union Medical College Hospital.


Yang Jiang, the Chinese Famous Writer, Literary Translator, Foreign Literature Researcher, the Wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, Died at the Age of 105, in the Beijing, China

Yangjiang after 100 yeas old
100 岁之后的杨绛

Yang Jiang, her ID name known as Yang Jikang, and her ancestral home, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China was born in Beijing China, on July 17, 1911. She studied in Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou and other places in her youth. In 1932 she graduated from the Suzhou Soochow University, in Bachelor Arts, and at the same year, she was admitted to the Graduate School of Tsinghua University for Foreign Language and Literature Graduate. In 1935, she married with Qian Zhongshu and at the summer of the same year she went to Britain, and France to study with her husband. She returned to motherland at the autumn of 1938 and she worked as the former professor of Foreign Languages Department of Shanghai Women Aurora Arts and Sciences, and Department of Foreign Languages of Tsinghua University. After 1949, she was transferred as a researcher to the Institute of Foreign Literature of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.


Yang Jiang, the Chinese Famous Writer, Literary Translator, Foreign Literature Researcher, the Wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, Died at the Age of 105, in the Beijing, China

Yangjiang as a child  

Yang Jiang, the Chinese Famous Writer, Literary Translator, Foreign Literature Researcher, the Wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, Died at the Age of 105, in the Beijing, China

Yangjiang in youth

Yang Jiang, the Chinese Famous Writer, Literary Translator, Foreign Literature Researcher, the Wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, Died at the Age of 105, in the Beijing, China

Yangjiang with her husband Qianzhongshu in their youth

Yang Jiang, the Chinese Famous Writer, Literary Translator, Foreign Literature Researcher, the Wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, Died at the Age of 105, in the Beijing, China

Yangjiang with her Husband Qianzhongshu, and her daughtor Qianyuan

Yang Jiang, the Chinese Famous Writer, Literary Translator, Foreign Literature Researcher, the Wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, Died at the Age of 105, in the Beijing, China

Yangjiang after her 90 years old 90岁之后的杨绛

Mr. Yang Jiang’s first work was the short story “Lulu, Do Not Worry!” which was published in Ta Kung Pao Literary Supplement in early 1934. In the early 1940s, she continuously wrote the comedy “To One’s Liking” and “Self-fulfilling Prophecy,” caused the great repercussions at the time, which two plays were written and staged in Shanghai, after the Anti-Japanese War and the fall of Shanghai. Since the 1980s, it is the creation “New Era” of Yang Jiang, her prose and novel creative achievements have attracted worldwide attention. Her prose masterpiece “Six Chapters in
Intellectual Labor Farm” was published in 1981, as the best seller throughout the 1980s, and has been published as the booklet in complex characters in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and also was translated into many foreign languages and published abroad. Her masterpiece of novel “Bathing” published in 1988, (which means brainwashing, is the earliest literary works which reflects the intellectual’s transformation), has aroused great repercussion among intellectuals, and also has been translated into many foreign languages and published abroad.

As a translator, Mr. Yang Jiang’s literary translation achievements are outstanding. In addition to “Don Quixote de la Mancha”, she translated the Spanish picaresque novel “Lazarillo del Tormes”, And French famous literary work “Alain Rene Le Sage”, and the ancient Greek prose the “Dialogue” of Plato, and the “Dialogue” of “Phaedo”, etc.


Yang Jiang, the Chinese Famous Writer, Literary Translator, Foreign Literature Researcher, the Wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, Died at the Age of 105, in the Beijing, China

works of Yangjiang

As a foreign literature researcher, Mr. Yang Jiang wrote numerous theoretical works to comment Spain and UK literary classics, such as comments, “Don Quixote de la Mancha”, La Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes, la Celestina) and other articles, as well as comments on British writer Fielding, etc.
In the new century, during compiling the past manuscripts of Qian Zhongshu, Mr.Yang Jiang wrote many other recalling prose, such as “To Miss Chen Hengzhe”, “A Memorable Day”, and “ I Learn in the Enlightened School”; the family Chronicle prose “Three of Us”, published on June in 2003, has deeply moved the audience by its sincere emotion and beautiful and meaningful style of writing and had become the bestseller in 2003. In 2014, in 103-year-old, Yang Jiang’s new book “After the Bathing” was published in August, which is the sequel of her “Bathing” after her 98 years old. Including “After the Bathing”, the number of her articles unpublished were published in the 9 volumes of “Complete Works of Yang Jiang” in August 2014, and the “Complete Works” are more than 270 million words in total.


Yang Jiang, the Chinese Famous Writer, Literary Translator, Foreign Literature Researcher, the Wife of Mr. Qian Zhongshu, Died at the Age of 105, in the Beijing, China

Complete Works of Yang Jiang


Chinese to English translated by Sophy Chen in Gaungzhou, China, 19:18 2016-5-25





(网易新闻、凤凰新闻、新华社、新京报、深圳晚报、四川在线-华西都市报、澎湃新闻、中华网、和讯网、环球网、苏菲诗歌&国际翻译网 等联合报道)

苏菲诗歌&国际翻译网 2016年5月25日星期三 苏菲根据凤凰新闻等整理、独立英译全球报道:

作为翻译家,杨绛先生的文学翻译成就卓著,除《堂吉诃德》外,她还翻译了西班牙流浪汉小说《小癞子》、法国文学名著《吉尔•布拉斯》(Alain Rene Le Sage: )以及古希腊散文柏拉图(plato)的“对话录”《斐多》(Phaedo)等。
作为外国文学研究家,杨绛先生写过多篇评析西班牙和英国文学名著的理论作品,如评论 《堂吉诃德》、《小癞子》(Lazarillo del Tormes)和《塞莱斯蒂娜》(La Celestina)等的文章,以及论英国作家菲尔丁等。
跨入新世纪之后,杨绛先生在整理编订钱锺书遗稿之余,又创作了《怀念陈衡哲》、《难忘的一天》和《我在启明上学》等多篇忆旧散文;出版于2003年6月的家庭纪事散文《我们仨》, 则因其真挚的情感和优美隽永的文笔而深深打动读者,成为2003年的超级畅销书。2014年,103岁杨绛新书《洗澡之后》8月出版,这是杨绛先生在98岁后为其小说《洗澡》所写的续作。包括《洗澡之后》在内,数篇未发表的杨绛先生作品收入在2014年8月出版的9卷本《杨绛全集》中,《全集》共270多万字。



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翻译版权所有 侵权必究


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联系微信: sophypoetry2, 478674384
E-mail: xisusophy@163.com(overseas)



sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究





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