PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award Call For Poems


苏菲主编《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴》(汉英对照) 常年征稿
Call For Poems Of Sophy Chen’s Translation Of “World Poetry Yearbook” (C-E Bilingual) all years

新诗1首不超过25行;古体诗词4-8句左右; 俳句3-9句
投稿微信:sophypoetry3 (或已加微信)

Please submit 1 masterpiece of free verse in English within 25 lines
or haiku in English within 3-9 sentences.
Submission Method: Sophy Chen’s facebook
or email:

Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)世界诗人诗歌集(英汉对照)全球常年征稿
Notice to Contributors of World Poets' Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)
联系微信: sophypoetry3,478674384




PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival, PENTASI B WORLDWIDE FAMILYPentasi B 2019中国世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖征稿
诗歌节翻译投稿: 加苏菲微信478674384,对话框投稿!
Pentasi B 2019 China-World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award (overseas)



Poems for the Festival
Age, gender, race and nationality not limited
Only modern poetry, subject not limited
Please send us more than 10 master Chinese modern poems / above 200 lines not been translated into English and poet’s standard profile limited to 300 words,collection profile 50 words, please give us two versions of them and 1-2 standard poet image with detailed address/name/telephone /qq number/WeChat.
All Chinese poems not eligible for participation until been translated into English
by the translator Sophy Chen
Poetry Festival Award Date: November 2019


PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry AwardPentasi B 2019中国-世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖 国际诗歌研讨会/中外诗人联合座谈会 论文征稿
投稿微信: sophypoetry3,478674384
核心主题:1.国际诗歌与人类精神共同体 2.诗歌、母语、翻译与国际化推广; 学术论文、诗歌评论和翻译评论不超过3000字,简明扼要; 提供专业简介300字以内。国籍-姓名-住址-邮箱-电话等, 形象照1-2张

Call For Acadamic Papers for International Poetry Seminar/Chinese And Foreign Poets Joint Seminar of Pentasi B 2019 China-World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award
Deadline for submission of papers: July 12, 2019

Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)世界诗人诗歌集(英汉)(《苏菲世界诗歌翻译书库》) 常年翻译出版稿约
Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)
主编/翻译 苏菲。14国联合出版:
直接加苏菲微信478674384,诗发到对话框 (overseas)

"Sophy Poetry & Translation" (E-C) Magazine Needs Poems All Years



Pentasi B 2019 中国世界诗歌节&

“…Building Bridges of Friendship
For Global Harmony & Understanding
Among People of All Nations”




2018年7月底,Pentasi B世界诗歌联谊会创始人、视觉诗歌之父朋朋博士与中国知名英语诗人、“苏菲诗歌&翻译”(英汉双语)杂志社创办人、翻译家苏菲(Sophy Chen),在菲律宾首都马尼拉会晤,双方就2019年在中国大陆举办Pentasi B世界诗歌节的授权事宜签署媒体备忘录,这标志着Pentasi B中国首届世界诗歌节即将在中国举办。
PENTASI B 世界诗歌(节)由朋朋博士个人发起,已在多国成功举办了多届诗歌节,运行机制简单、成熟;此番由中国英语诗人、翻译家苏菲首次独家被授权引进中国并以个人名义在中国主办国际诗歌节,同时独立发起“苏菲世界诗歌奖”。
Pentasi B中国世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖将以“诗歌与全球化”为主题直通世界,加速推进中国诗歌国际化进程,促进中外诗歌直接对话与交流。所有中外获奖诗人将得到大会授予的至高无上的世界诗人荣誉和全球范围全媒体高度曝光。




第一轮:2018年11月12日~ 2019年4月12日

2018年11月~ 2019年10月




时间:2019年 11月


中国:苏菲/陈丽华 Sophy Chen

菲律宾:朋朋博士• 塔哥童• 塔克皮斯利美
Pentasi B世界联谊会创始人
PENTASI B 世界诗歌(节) 发起人



奖项一、Pentasi B 2019国际诗歌奖:

2019 Pentasi B世界领袖诗人奖
2019 Pentasi B世界桂冠诗人奖
2019 Pentasi B世界金色之声奖
2019 Pentasi B世界精神诗人奖
2019 Pentasi B世界优秀诗人奖

Pentasi B 2019世界诗歌奖奖品:
(1)颁发朋朋博士亲自设计的Pentasi B奖杯一个或Pentasi B 奖牌一块,


2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 视觉诗歌之父奖
2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 桂冠诗人奖
2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 中坚诗人奖
2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 实力诗人奖
2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 网络诗人奖
2019 苏菲世界诗歌奖 贡献奖

(3)Pentasi B 2019中国-世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖专刊一本


(1)中国获奖诗人诗歌作品将和世界各国获奖诗人诗歌作品,以及本次诗歌节提名诗人作品一起英汉对照全球公开出版——《Pentasi B 2019中国世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖获奖暨入选诗人作品集》(暂定名)。入选诗人人数将会根据投稿数量和艺术质量甄选添加,非诗歌节提名诗人不得入选此选本。


1 评选语言:英汉双语


2 评委会

Pentasi B 2019中国-世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖,将不公开具体的评奖委员会人员名单。朋朋博士和翻译家苏菲对本届诗歌节最终获奖的诗人名单和序列名次,具有最终决定权。

3 全球诗歌代言人


4 汉语诗歌参赛评奖规则:








5 海外英语诗歌评奖规则:





1、请中国汉语诗人本人亲自发来未被翻译成英语的汉语新诗代表作10首以上/200行以上(10首/200行以下, 不作为参加本次诗歌节投稿。3首以下且50行以下概不翻译刊载。)本次奖赛诗人标准简介限50字以内。诗人标准形象照1-2张(标注姓名。要求大尺寸,普通72分辨率下至少2000像素 <肖像大小要适中,适合海报制作印刷 >)。详细地址:姓名、电话、qq号、微信号。凡汉语诗歌翻译成英语收取翻译费,简介50字内公益赞助翻译。

2、请将诗歌文本和诗人简介放到同一个Word文档(文件命名:笔名+ 2019中国-世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖参赛稿件),内文标准五号字体(保存为2003版本),将1-2张高清形象照(2000像素以上)连同Word文档压缩成一个压缩文件(文件命名:笔名+照片+2019中国-世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖),主题标明:“笔名+2019中国-世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖”,发到大赛专用微信:sophypoetry3(或478674384)。投稿者须添加以上微信






微信对话框:sophypoetry3或478674384 (汉语诗歌)
E-mail: (海外,英语诗歌)


十三、策划人、联系人: 苏菲

大赛专用微信: sophypoetry3 (或478674384)

苏菲微信号 sophypoetry3

投稿方式: 微信对话框(汉语诗人)






Image of Translator Sophy Chen 苏菲诗歌&国际翻译网 翻译家苏菲形象


苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代女诗人、翻译家。出生于陕西汉中略阳县;毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院。美国英语“传奇诗人”。 “苏菲诗歌&翻译网”、“苏菲诗歌&翻译”(英汉双语)国际杂志社、“苏菲国际翻译出版社”创建人。“苏菲英语讲坛”创办者兼主讲人。 1989年,开始汉语诗歌写作、2004年开始英语诗歌写作、2005年开始英汉双语诗歌翻译。 获2012年度“国际最佳翻译家奖”(评选语言英汉双语)。“中国当代诗歌奖”(2013—2014)翻译奖(评选语言英汉双语)。获2018年 PENTASI B 世界精神诗人奖和世界杰出诗人奖(评选语言英语)。PENTASI B世界诗歌联谊会行政管理。PENTASI B 中国•世界诗歌节2019 主办方、组织人、赞助人。PENTASI B 世界金色之声诗歌奖2019。
翻译出版英译诗歌集六部:《花动摇》、《藏香》、《生之瞭望》、《异调》、《胴体向前》、《白娘子诗传》。 英语诗歌原创集,“苏菲英语十四行诗”《晚香玉》,仅仅8首诗,电子书在美国亚马逊英语图书网出版。




“苏菲诗歌&翻译”(英汉双语)国际杂志由中国知名英语诗人、英汉互译诗歌翻译家苏菲(陈丽华)发起创立。创立时间:2018年2月8日。创刊号出版日期:2018年7月28日。语言为英语。刊名:Sophy Poetry & Translation。国际期刊号(纸质)ISSN:2616-2660,(电子) ISSN:2616-5058。本刊致力于加强中国和国际优秀诗歌的对外翻译与国际化推广,推动中西方诗人优秀诗歌的互译、互动、传播与交流。以汉英互译为主导,带动其它语种诗歌的国际互动与交流。目前各个栏目所有英汉—汉英对照诗歌作品均由苏菲独立翻译而成。


朋朋博士• 塔哥童• 塔克皮斯利美


朋朋博士• 塔哥童• 塔克皮斯利美
(真名:一匹塔司欧•R • 童欧汗 医学博士)

●2011年,“菲律宾视觉诗歌之父” 菲律宾授予;
●2017年,被印度多日伊斯塔• 卡维塔•查克拉瓦蒂公认为国际(视觉诗歌之王)


PENTASI B诗歌创始人,出版3卷收藏版图书
PENTASI B,3卷,收藏版,拍卖价格为30,000美元

PENTASI B世界诗歌联谊会:

PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry, PENTASI B世界诗歌联谊会

PENTASI B世界诗歌联谊会是一个知名的非营利性国际诗歌组织,由全球顶尖水平,多奖项和备受推崇的诗人,作家和艺术家组成。朋朋博士是PENTASI B世界诗歌联谊会创始人。



附: 纸刊《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)杂志投稿说明

诗人朋友你好:我是《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)杂志主编 “Pentasi B 2019中国世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖”中国大陆主办人、策划人、赞助人,诗人翻译家苏菲!

诗人朋友,如需把汉语诗歌翻译成英语刊载到 纸刊《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)杂志 ,请发来新诗代表作3-10首(散文诗1000字)以上, 诗人简介300字以内。
请准备专用摄像机和专业摄影师拍摄的诗人高清形象照1-2张(拍着角度,腰围以上),图片原始大小。简介备注:真名 邮寄地址 邮编 手机号 微信号。




PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival &
Sophy Chen World Poetry Award
Call For Poems

“…Building Bridges of Friendship
For Global Harmony & Understanding
Among People of All Nations”

Please Chinese poets personally send more than 10 Chinese poems / more than 200 lines that have not been translated into English


At the end of July 2018, DOC. PenPen, founder of the Pentasi B World Friendship Poetry, father of visual Poetry and Chinese well-known English Poet and translator Sophy Chen, founder of “Sophy Poetry & International Translation Website” and “Sophy Poetry & Translation” C-E international magazine, met in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. The two sides signed a media memo on Pentasi B World Poetry Festival in mainland China in 2019, which marked the upcoming Pentasi B China’s first World Poetry Festival.
PENTASI B World Poetry (Festival) was initiated by DOC. PenPen, and has been successfully held in many countries. Its operation mechanism is simple and mature; This time Chinese English poet and translator Sophy Chen was authorized to introduce it into China and she will host it as sponsor in China in her own name, and she has independently launched the “Sophy Chen World Poetry Award”.
Under the conditions of global integration of society and economy, international poetry has become more modern, living and globalized, but facing with the human spiritual proposition, poetry has remained unchanged; if Chinese poets would like to go to international poetry world and build bridges of friendship for global harmony & understanding among people of all nations by their peoms, we, poets, must work together through translators and poets oursevles.
The Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award have a direct connection to the world with the theme of “Poetry and Globalization”, accelerating activities and exchanges of the internationalization of Chinese poetry and the world poetry and promoting dialogue and exchange them. All award-winning poets will be highly regarded by the this festival for the supreme world poet honor and global media coverage.

Ⅰ. The Purpose and Theme of the Poetry Festival
“…Building Bridges of Friendship For Global Harmony & Understanding Among People of All Nations”

Ⅱ.Times of Calling For Papers, Awards, and Translation

1. Date of Submission:
November 12, 2018~ August 12, 2019 (Preliminary evaluation of Chinese poetry)
2. Date of Chinese Poetry Translation:
November 2018 ~ October 2019
3. Final Evaluation Date:
November 2019

Ⅲ. The Date and Place of the Event

Time: November 2019
Location: To be determined

Special Note: This poetry festival is the English-Chinese bilingual poetry festival, so all of the text and materials need to be translated into English or Chinese. We will translate them according to the order of submission. If your manuscripts are submitted after May 13th, 2019, also later to August 13th, 2019, they cannot be translated before book number application, your poems can not be put into the book.

Ⅳ. Organization Structure

Host, Sponsor/ Project Director, Chinese Delegates Organizer
China: Sophy Chen /Chen Lihua
Founder of “Sophy Poetry & Translation”
Founder of “Sophy Poetry & International Translation Website”

Project Consultant and Guidance, Organizer of Foreign Delegates
The Father of Visual Poetry
Founder of PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry
Founder of PENTASI B World Poetry (Festival)

Co-organizers or Individuals (not titled):
1. Project Director and Coordinator (to be determined, can represent organization in your own name)
2. Project Secretary and Coordinator (to be determined, can represent organization in your own name)

Ⅴ. Awards and Its Setting (two world poetry awards):

1. Pentasi B 2019 World Poetry Award:
2019 Pentasi B World Leader Poet Award
2019 Pentasi B World Poet Laureate Award
2019 Pentasi B World Golden Voice Award
2019 Pentasi B World Inspirational Award
2019 Pentasi B World Featured Award

Trophies, Medals, Books, Photos, Videos, Gifts of Pentasi B 2019 World Poetry Award:
(1) A Pentasi B trophy or Pentasi B medal designed by Doc. PenPen;
(2) The poets’ books and gifts exchanges, as well as cultural gifts in 2019.

2. 2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award:
2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, Father of World Visaul Poetry 2019
2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, World Poet Laureate 2019
2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, Contribution Award
2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, World Elite Poet 2019
2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, Influential Poet 2019
2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, Network Poet 2019

Trophies, Medals, Books, Photos, Videos, Gifts of 2019 Sophy Chen World Poetry Award
(1) A Sophy Chen World Poetry Award trophy or medal designed by Sophy Chen;
(2) A framed certificate designed by Sophy Chen;
(3) “Pentasi B 2019 China World Poetry Festival and Sophy Chen World Poetry Award Special Issue”;
(4) The poets’ books and gifts exchanges, as well as cultural gifts in 2019.

Ⅵ. Book Publishing (The Works of Nominated Poets and Award-winning Poets Will be Published):
(1) The poems of the Chinese award-winning poets, the world award-winning poets and all nominated poets will be published in English and Chinese in a poetry collection –“Pentasi B 2019 China World Poetry Festival and Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, Poems From Awarding Poets and Selected Poets” (tentative name); The number of poets of this book will be selected according to the number of submissions and artistic quality. Non-poetry nominees may not be selected for this selection.
(2) All the award-winning works and nominated works of the poetry festival will be translated and put in “Sophy Poetry & Translation” (E-C), international magazine, which will be gradually promoted.
(3) In addition, we will build a new home website for this poetry festival to promote the details of this international poetry festival, 2019 selected poets and works of the award-winning poets.

Ⅶ. Award Rules

1 Selection Language: English and Chinese
English: The final standard language for the selection of international poetry awards;
Chinese: First selection language of Chinese poet’s submission.

2. Judges
PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award will not publish the specific list of judges. Doc. PenPen and translator Sophy Chen have the final decision on the final list of award winning poets and serials of award winning poets of the poetry festival.

3 Global Poetry Spokesman
l.become the network communication spokesmen and witnesses of the poetry festival in their own nations.

4 Chinese Poetry Awards Rules:

Three Rounds for Chinese Poets in the Selection:
The First Round, the editors of “Sophy Poetry & Translation” C-E international magazine will choose submitted poems and nominate: (nominations given in order of submission)
We are responsible for selecting and screening all the Chinese poems, and calculating the translation labor fees for submitted poets according to the number of submitted lines. After the poets pay the fees and sign the translation agreement, they enter the next round of selection.

The Second Round, Online Public Voting Selection(Cancelled!):
1. In order to let more readers read the representative works of the Chinese poets in the contest and fully display their creative level, influence and network activity, we will show all the poet’s image, profile and 5-10 their masterpieces in the vote.
2. Participants must first add the “Sophy English Online and Sophy Poetry & Translation” wechat service number before they can vote with their own WeChat. Each online voter can give each poet a vote every day.
3. Online Voting WeChat Platform (Sophy English Online and Sophy Poetry & Translation).
4. Voting Time: April 15, 2019 ~ May 15, 2019;

The Third Round, the Final Award of Chinese Poetry:
The translator Sophy Chen will translate it into English and submit it to Doc Penpen who will be recommended and selected, according to the quality of the poet’s works and poets’ international influences. In the end, the best Chinese poets will be selected to participate in the grand award ceremony in mainland China;

5. Overseas Poetry Award Rules:
The other languages poems translation into Chinese in this festival was exclusively translated and sponsored to publish by the translator Sophy Chen. The list of overseas award-winning poets and delegates are invited and recommended by Doc Penpen and Sophy Chen according to the quality and international influence of the poets.

Ⅷ. Entry Requirements:

1. Participant Requirements:Age, gender, nationality and race are not limited. Everyone, healthy, active in the poetry world, up-to-date, and interested in the grand exhibition of international poetry with international reference and forward-looking, can submit his or her manuscript. We are willing to award poets who actively share the links that have works of Sophy Chen translation and who strongly support the poetry translation of Sophy Chen. Those who do not actively promote themselves and their own English-Chinese translated poetry, do not share their translated poems to their personal homepages, friends circle, no matter what level you are, we will refuse to translate for you and refuse to award you.
2. Genre and Theme: this poetry event is limited to Chinese modern poetry. The theme of poetry is not limited. It requires the works to have profound ideological content, unique artistic innovation, and deep emotional experience.

Ⅸ. Manuscript Requirements (All Those Who Do Not Submit the Manuscript in Requirement Will Be Invalid):

1.Please Chinese poets personally send more than 10 Chinese poems / more than 200 lines of poems that have not been translated into English and bio within 50 words(do not write any words not besed on poetry) (no more than 10 poems / no more than 200 lines of poems will not be translated or participated in the international competitions. And less than 3 poems/ less than 50 lines will not be translated and published.) The poets’ standard bio is less than 300 words. The poet’s standard image one (write names, large size, at least 1000 pixels at a normal 72 resolution. ). Mail address, phone number, qq and weichat. Chinese new poetry translated into English requires translation labor costs, and brief introduction of 50 words of sponsor translation.
2. Please put the poetry text and the poet’s profile into the same word document (file name: pen name + PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival and Sophy Chen World Poetry Award), the internal standard number 5 font (save as 2003 version), and compress 1-2 HD images (more than 2000 pixels) together with word documents into a compressed file (file name: pen name + photo + 2019 China World Poetry Festival and Sophy Chen World Poetry Award). The subject of the email indicates: “Pen name + PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival and Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, and send it to the special wechat: sophypoetry3. 478674384 (Chinese Poetry), or special mailbox for the
3. Please arrange the poems by their stanzaes. Manuscripts directly pasted on the Internet, directly pasted into the text box of the mail and images not named will be considered invalid.
4.All Chinese poems will be reviewed by the editorial board of “Sophy Poetry & Translation”. If the poetry has its considerable creative level, translation and international promotion value, we will publicly issue a list of newly selected poets, and after the poet paied the translation of related works, the poetry will be eligible to be translated into English to participate in the overseas English poets selection of the competition.
5.All poems in this competition are independently translated by Sophy Chen herself. In order to protect the copyright of the poet’s works and translated works, all the manuscripts are regarded as the poets personally authorize Sophy Chen to translate and personally recognize the translation agreement receipt. If your works have been translated and published by other translators, which caused the translation copyright disputes, Sophy Chen is not responsible for it.
6. We do not mind your poems have been published in other publications or not but they must be your personal original works and we do not allow you copy other poets’ works, so once we found it your award qualification will be cancelled.

Ⅹ. Date of Submission:
From now until August 12, 2019.

Ⅺ. Submission Style:
Wechat: sophypoetry3. 478674384 (Chinese Poetry)
E-mail: (overseas, for English Poetry)

Ⅻ. Special Declaration:
Contributors must add Sophy Chen’s WeChat, WeChat public account “Sophy English Online, Sophy Poetry & Translation” or QQ. When adding WeChat and qq, please write “Which contributor poet you are” to ensure that it is added.

Thirten. Planners and Contacts: Sophy Chen:
Weichat: sophypoetry3 (or 478674384)
QQ: 478674384
Translation Email: (overseas!)
Sophy Poetry & Translation Website:

Fouten. Cooperation and Sponsorship Projects:
1. Cooperation: Welcome the person in charge of literary associations (or agents) to participate in cooperation in personal capacity;
2. Related Cooperation or Sponsorship Projects: such as publishing sponsorship, corporate sponsorship, venue sponsorship, other sponsorship or cooperation;
We will provide excellent returns for co-organizers, cooperation or sponsors. If you are interested, please contact Sophy Chen to discuss!


Translator Sophy Chen
Sophy Chen, her name, Lihua and family name, Chen, born in Lueyang, Hanzhong, Shannxi Provinve, China, is the Chinese contemporary poetess, translator, and American English “Legendary Poet”. She is the founder of “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”, “Sophy Poetry & Translation” International Magazine and “Sophy International Translation Publishing House” and the founder and leading lecturer of “Sophy English Forum”. She graduated from English Institute of Xi’an Foreign Studies University in English Literature. She began to write Chinese poetry in 1989 and English poetry in 2004, and she began to translate Chinese Poetry into English poetry and English poetry into Chinese poetry in 2005. She won the annual “International Best Translator” Award 2012(C-E)and the Chinese Contemporary Poetry (2013-2014) Translation Award(C-E). PENTASI B WORLD INSPIRATIONAL POET 2018 and World Featured Poet 2018(E-E). Admin Of PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry. Host, Organizer & Sponsor of PENTASI B CHINA WORLD POETREE FESTIVAL 2019. PENTASI B WORLD GOLDEN VOICE POETRY 2019. She translated and published six Chinese poetry collections into English, The Flower Swaying (2014) , The Tibetan Incense(2014), The Outlook of Life (2014), The Different Tunes (2014), The Body Forward (2015), and A Poetry Biography for White Snake (2015), etc. Her English original poetry collection, Sophy English Sonnets, Tuberose, only 8 poems, published in Amazon in E-book.

Introduction of Sophy Poetry & International Translation Website
It is the first international poetry translation website of China, which is organized in Sophy Chen’s own name as a translator and poetess, in Chinese-English, and which is committed to translate and promote the excellent Chinese poetry and excellent international poetry. Since its opening on October 8, 2014, holding its poetry translation idea of “rigorousness, excellence, and vividness,” publishes, it has been highly regarded in poetry at home and abroad, and has become an international translation portal for Chinese and foreign poets. In the website in addition to some individual columns’ poetry translated by other translators, all of English-Chinese and Chinese-English poetry are independently translated by Sophy Chen.

Introduction of “Sophy Poetry & Translation” (C-E) International Magazine
The International Magzine “Sophy Poetry & Translation” (English-Chinese) was founded by Sophy Chen (Chen Lihua), a well-known Chinese English poet and translator of English-Chinese translation. It was founded on: February 8, 2018. First issue publication date: July 28, 2018. The language is English. Title: Sophy Poetry & Translation. International Journal Number (paper) ISSN: 2616-2660, (e-book) ISSN: 2616-5058. It is dedicated to strengthening Chinese and international excellent poetry translation and internationalization and promoting the mutual translation, interaction, communication and exchange of Chinese and Western poets’ excellent poetry. Taking Chinese-English translation as the leading factor, it promotes the international interaction and communication of poetry in other languages. At present, all English-Chinese or Chinese-English poetry works in each column are independently translated by Sophy Chen.


(Real name: DR. Epitacio R. Tongohan, M.D.)

● Conferred in the Philippines as “The Father of Philippine Visual Poetry”, 2011;
● Known and recognized in British Columbia, Canada, as “The Father of Visual Poetry”, 2013;
● Proclaimed in Vancouver, Canada as “Visionary Poet”, 2013;
● Adjudged and conferred as “Father of Visual Poetry” by The National Library of The Philippines at The National Museum of The Filipino People, 2013;
● Honored in Turkey as “Görsel Şiir Babası” (Father of Visual Poetry), 2014;
● Honored and recognized in Italy as “IL PADRE DELLA POESIA VISUALE”(Father of Visual Poetry), 2016;
● Honored and recognized Ghana, Africa, as “ANYUINSEM AGYA”(Father of Modern Visual Poetry), 2016;
● Honored and recognized at Century Park Hotel by FILIPINO MOVIE ARTS and SCIENCES
(FAMAS AWARDS) as Father of Visual Poetry (Father of Special Poetry), 2016;
● Doc PenPen received an international recognition in INDIA as DRIISYA KAVITA CHAKRAVARTY (King of Visual Poetry) on the 14th of October 2017 (reference link of the official announcement: ).
● Doc PenPen acknowledged and revered in Morocco as Father of Spiritual Visual Poetry, 2018.
● Received the honor and title in Accra, Ghana as FATHER OF HUMANITARIAN POETRY, 2018.
● Received the honor and title in Accra, Ghana as KING OF KINGS of VISIONARY POETRY, 2018.
●The former State Minister and Current Member of the Parliament, Hon.Rashid Pelpuoannounced and endorsed Doc Penpen for a National Award to be received in the Parliament of the Republic of Ghana.

● Awarded as Outstanding Alumnus in Career Achievement by UERM COLLEGE OF MEDICINE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION INC, 2014;
● Acclaimed in his hometown as “Parangal sa Natatanging Anak ng Tanay”
(Illustrious Son of Tanay), 2014;
● FAMAS AWARDEE, Special Citation on Digital Film Making, 2008.

Creator of PENTASI B Poetry, 3-Volume Collector’s Edition Book, published
at the National Library of The Philippines, 2011;
The PENTASI B, 3-Volume, Collectors Edition, auctioned at USD 30,000
(USD 10,000 per volume) in California, USA in 2012, and all of the proceeds
were donated to the poverty-stricken Filipino students;

The other copies of PENTASI B Poetry Book, Collector’s Edition,
are now breeding, breathing, and living in:
The University of British Columbia Library, 2012,
The National Library of the Philippines, 2013,
The Sabancı University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014, and
The University of Bari, Italy, 2016.

PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry
Founder of a non profit poetry international organization widely known as PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry, composed of top caliber, multi-awarded, and highly respected poets, writers, and artists worldwide.




sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究


Sophy Poetry & Translation纸刊《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)世界诗刊 常年征稿
"Sophy Poetry & Translation" (E-C) Magazine Needs Poems All Years
联系微信: sophypoetry3,478674384
a good poem or more poems, bio in 100words, send to

PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award苏菲世界诗歌博物馆常年征集中外诗人诗集/作品集/艺术作品
Sophy World Poetry Museum Collecting Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Poetry Collections All Years

联系微信: sophypoetry2, 478674384



sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究





Copyright Statement

1. Works translated by Sophy Chen, whether it is English-Chinese translation or Chinese-English translation, the copyright of the translated text belongs to the translator Sophy Chen. Without the written permission of Sophy Chen, the translated text may not be altered, re-translated or translated into other languages.
2.The translated works whose target language is Chinese or English (the translator's name is removed) are not allowed to be published on the Internet, published in domestic and foreign publications or awarded as the original works or translated works of the author. If the translated works are not accompanied by the translator's name or without the original language or target language or conceal the translator's name, you will be treated as infringement of translation copyright and will be notified online and investigated for legal liability.
3.No translated works or translated publication maybe reproduced,co-edited or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher, author or translator.
4. The copyright of the original works belong to the original author. Without the written permission of the original author, no individual may alter or copy the works. Without the written permission of the original author and the original publisher, no other publishing institution may usurp or reprint the original publication.

[ 法律顾问:李刚 Legal Counsel : Ligang ]



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