Nominee: [Heilongjiang,China] Free Color~ Pentasi B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Award


苏菲主编《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴》(汉英对照) 常年征稿
Call For Poems Of Sophy Chen’s Translation Of “World Poetry Yearbook” (C-E Bilingual) all years

新诗1首不超过25行;古体诗词4-8句左右; 俳句3-9句
投稿微信:sophypoetry3 (或已加微信)

Please submit 1 masterpiece of free verse in English within 25 lines
or haiku in English within 3-9 sentences.
Submission Method: Sophy Chen’s facebook
or email:

Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)世界诗人诗歌集(英汉对照)全球常年征稿
Notice to Contributors of World Poets' Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)
联系微信: sophypoetry3,478674384




PENTASI B 2019 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖
提名诗人:[中国黑龙江] 自由色彩
提名人:[中国] 诗人苏菲、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》英汉世界纸质诗刊

PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Award
Nominee: [Heilongjiang,China] Free Color 
Nominated by [China]Poet Sophy Chen And Sophy Poetry & Translation C-E World Poetry Paper Magazine

苏菲汉译英 中国诗人系列
[中国黑龙江] 自由色彩 14首

Sophy Chen Poetry Translation C-E Chinese Poet Poetry Series
[Heilongjiang, China] Free Color 14 poems


I Love Poetry (14 Poems)




湛蓝的天 降下了帷幕
辛劳的人 收回了脚步
活跃的燕雀 团圆在温暖的小窝
灿烂的晚霞 辞别了追日的天路
唯有思绪的风啊 午夜独舞
华尔兹 布鲁斯 探戈步
甩掉一路汗水 坎坷尘土
曲终梦散 清风归何处


I.Solo Dance In Midnight

Written by Free Color at night of 2008/02/20

The blue sky has drawn down the curtain
The toiled man has withdrawn his steps
Active finches are having a reunion in their warm nest
The splendid sunset, has said goodbye to the sun
Only the wind of thought is having a solo dance in midnight
Waltz, blues and tango steps
Threw away sweat on the way and bumpy dust
When music stopped and dreams away, where the breeze will return

Translated by Sophy Chen

之二, 雨夜寄思


轻轻地 来看看 别惊动入睡的雨
借一小窗口 寄去思念信息
也许遇上你 梦中品尝甜蜜
那就是我 传去的一丝情意

悄悄地 告诉你 曾经爱过雨
雨的诗我的韵 淋漓尽致不能已
深深地 相信你 雨过天晴彩虹霓
守在梦的窗口 已经忘了几个世纪


II.Sending Missing Messages At Rainy Night

Written by Free Color at rainy night of 2008/02/20

Lightly come, have a look, and do not disturb the rain in sleeping
Sending missing messages by a small window
Maybe I will meet you, and taste sweetness in my dreams
That’s a touch of affection I passed to you

Quietly, I will tell you that I once loved the rain
Rain’s poems are my rhyme that I can not get rid of loving
Deeply, I believe you, when rain stopped, the rainbow will appear
Staying in the window of dreams I’ve forgotten for centuries

Play a piece of music
Is it possible to encounter my close friend, Zhong Ziqi on the shore
If I can receive a greeting of him
The ink-colored rainy night is lush at once

Translated by Sophy Chen

之三, 拥着你我的牵挂入梦






真情  高高地扬起了帆

III. Into Dreams By Holding You And Me

Written by Free Color, May 21, 2009, about my daughter’s call from the other side of the ocean on mother’s day

A warm wave over oceans
Touched the spring eyes of my missing
My heartbeat strikes poetry pool of midnight
The rhyme flows from the bottom of my heart to the tip of the pen

By holding your greetings I can not go to sleep
I keep warmth always online
My tears have flown with the Yellow River
Overwhelmed my pillows’ loneliness

With a long aftertaste I can not go to sleep
My wishes fully fill the wine altar
Only close contact with the outside world
It can be made into a rich and sweet fragrance

With missing of you I go to sleep
The tender affection flows all over of my body
I immerse me in a caring ocean
Our hugs have flown across the sky

With missing of you I go to sleep
The dreams on the other side is no longer far away
That missing is carved into a boat
The true love highly lifted the sail

Translated by Sophy Chen


你 悄悄地走来 踏着诗韵舞步
我 轻轻地微笑 带着心悸温度
孤芳自赏 流失了多少无助
顺时针指引 踏上西行之途

忘记今昔何年 团聚喜酒醉得糊涂
不觉昼夜颠倒 越洋亲情梦归一处
宽解千年寂寞 间歇诗泉喷薄而出
解冻万籁笔溪 涌入江海奔腾豪迈步

欣遍地鲜花茜草 柳暗花明
赏溪边野鸭大雁 自在共度
美华合唱 诗会和睦
迪斯尼乐园 城堡公主
… …

你 给我太多回忆 太多幸福
却那么短暂 要去得义无反顾
在12月31日告别 走进历史的图书
你 2010年度 让我怀念 倾注

我 只好把你珍藏 在心灵最深处
我 只好把你祝福 到凝眸最远处

IV.Collection 2010

You quietly come to me, dancing in verse
I smile gently with warmth of palpitations
How much helplessness is lost by narcissism
Guiding by clockwise on the way of west

Forget what year it is, and I’d like to get drunk in the reunion dinner
I do not feel the day and night upside down and dreams of over sea family get together
It relieves thousands of years of loneliness and the intermittent poetic spring burst out
It unfreezes the streams which fastly flow into rivers and seas all over of the mountains

I look fresh flowers, madder and willows everywhere
I enjoy the wild ducks and geese living together free by the river
American poets and Chinese poets in chorus and poetry meeting in harmony
Disneyland and castle princess

You give me too many memories and too much happiness
But it’s so short and I need to go without hesitation
Farewell on December 31, that went into the book of history
You let me miss and devote to you in 2010

I had to cherish you in the deepest of my heart
I had to bless you to the farthest point of my gaze
How I want to hold the kite of memory
To remember the way back
It is unable to tie the year of nature wandering
My rhythm has embarked on a 2011 journey

Translated by Sophy Chen



清晨  又听鸟无拘束地叫
呼唤新一天来到的  冒号
就象送别亲人前深情的 拥抱

正午阳光似霞  从百叶窗透过微笑
珍惜岁月如雾  从指缝间溢出溜掉


对树举杯一饮而下 去年句号
为今春  书写如意惊叹号

V.The Symbol Of Years


In the early morning, I again listened to the birds calling freely
Calling for the colon that comes a new day
The sun is attached to the horizon and reluctant to leave
It ’s like an affectionate hug before saying goodbye
The sky is covered with a hazy tent
Covered up the end of 2010

At noon the sunshine is like a glow with a smile through the shutters
The cherished time is like a fog that spilled out through my fingers
Farewell to the journey to the west
Please do not ask if you have any unanswered question marks
Winter has finalized the itinerary
Spring may cancel the snow and ice

Today the silver swallow flies against the light
Drawing the white ellipsis dots in the sky
Can the future be embedded in free prayer
My heart is tossing tilde at the beach
The flowing bridge is still here
There are people by the river
Standing at the door of 2011
I am looking forward to an unknown number

The wind do not know the troubles of leaving leaves
Willfully shaking the bare treetops
But the clouds understand the wish of the sun
Running with time smartly
I have a drink to the tree, last year the full stop
For this spring, writes a wishful exclamation mark

Translated by Sophy Chen

之六,  雨  酿造了湿人


总以为  骤雨会增添焦灼心率
却不料  关门窗的闷热攻击更甚
本想  借雨丝找到通天的气孔
孰不知  那点滴空间也被乌云遮尽

囡居  梦中挣扎的囚笼
苦思  那万人难解的方程
探索  长夜何处是窗棂
期待  黎明那道曙光觉醒

顺雨线  跌入千年谷底
拼命  抓一枝古怪枯藤
伤痛  是血  是雨  是泪?
混然  酿造一个模糊湿人!

于是  音韵每每从雨境中蒸腾
荒芜的草木  低吟共鸣
云  听到了微弱的仙音
悄悄地  开启那扇救赎的大门

VI.Rain Makes A Wet Man


I always think that showers will increase the anxious of my heart rate
But unexpectedly, the stuffiness attack is even worse after closing doors and windows
I want to find the air hole to the sky by drizzle
But I do not know that the bit of space is also covered by dark clouds

I live in the dwelling cage in the dreams
I think hard about the difficult equation
I explore where the long night is the window lattice
I look forward to the awakens of the dawn

The fluent rain line fell to the bottom of the millennium
Desperately grabbing a wacky withered vine
Pain is blood, rain, tears?
It makes a fuzzy wet man!

So the rhythm often transpires from the rain
The barren grass and trees whisper in resonance
The clouds heard the faint sound of fairy
And quietly opened the door to salvation

Translated by Sophy Chen





春风秋雨啊  降下牵肠挂肚的思念
越洋奔波哟  诞生遗憾不经意间
夏日甜蜜犹在  冬日苦涩骤然
感恩节的脚步  踏动心跳的节点

总有深深的浓郁让你品味  牵连


VII.The Taste Of Thanksgiving Day

For my little grandchildren at night of Thanksgiving Day 2013

The ravaged clouds spun in strands
It scratched the face of sea
The tangle of damp evaporates little by little
It blurred the face of the heart mirror

I look for an old song to chew repeatedly
My hard life is bitter and sweet
I take a pot of light tea and want to write for a long time
The shredded manuscript is missing over there

Spring breeze and autumn rain oh, you fall so much miss
Traveling across the ocean oh, gives birth of regretting inadvertently
The sweetness of summer is still here and the bitter of winter is coming suddenly
Footsteps of Thanksgiving Day is on the heartbeat of the node

Although the night is long and sour
In front me I light up hope lights
Why don’t you appreciate the ugly years
There is always a deep richness that will impress you and connect you

Note: This work was published on the “Phoenix Chinese Information Network” on November 30, 2013.

Translated by Sophy Chen


于2014元月5 日为思念的幼孙所作

美好的记忆  生生从心房割去
温馨的亲昵  塑成酸痛的回忆
伤痕难愈  每逢深深地想起
胸膛窒息  每当把去冬凝视

泪泉  已不堪开启
唯恐淹没了那  心的岛屿
痛思  已不堪重负
唯恐沉入  咆哮煎熬的海底


暂拉一方屏幕  写满忘记
掩盖那扎根心底的  永远铭记
每天祈祷   雏燕归期


VIII.To Forget For The Sake Of Remembering

To my missing grandson on January 5, 2014

My beautiful memories are cut off from the atrium
My warm intimacy creates sore memories
My scars are hard to heal when I deeply miss you
My chest suffocated when I look at last winter

My spring of tears are unbearable to be opened
I’m only afraid it will drown the island of my heart
My painful thinking overwhelmed
I’m only afraid it will sink into the roaring seabed

I wordlessly face the child’s very eager eyes
I’ve coaxed your excuse so it hurt each other
I can not forget our heartbreaking parting
Do you understand that kind of unwillingness?

I temporarily pull a side of screen and write all of my memory on it
Forever covering the memory with its root in my deep heart
I am unable to break free from the constraints of human geography
I pray youngswallow coming back every day

Note: Thanks for this wish to be published by the American Phoenix Chinese Information Network on January 7.

Translated by Sophy Chen

之九,  新程的份量

你 从遥远山峦走来
你 从蓝天碧海诞生
你 不争春晖夏宠
你 不畏风刀霜剑


你  岁岁更叠的元旦
你  古老崭新的征程

难以描绘  你 加在肩上的份量
无法形容  你 赋予眉头的沉思
欲把酸楚甘苦调成  特制的鸡尾酒
慢慢品味诠释  深重坚韧的履历


IX.The Weight Of The New Journey

You come from distant mountains
Picking a new hope
You were born from the blue sky and blue sea
Overturing a prelude of the ripples
You don’t fight for light of Spring and love of Summer
Startting and stopping at the coldest station
You don’t fear the wind sword and frost sword
Silently working on the Millennium Calendar

How many years have been lost
You are always full of longing charm
How many sorrows and joys have become memories
You’ve condensed countless classic stories

Your new year’s day a year after a year
The beginning of the new year for all people
Your old new journey
I do not know if I can still have a dream

It’s hard to describe the weight you put on my shoulders
I can’t describe the contemplation you gave to me
I want to make sour and bitter of me into a special cocktail
And slowly taste the interpretation of my deep and tough resume

Note: Thanks for this poem being published in the “Phoenix Chinese Information” on the 1 / 6th.

Translated by Sophy Chen



远古天使滴下的眼泪  穿石成泉
涓涓流淌的韵律  汇成奔腾海河
童真踏青  饮下那水
于是  心里涌出诗意湖泊

山清水秀   四季皆春
青梅竹马  不是传说
与蝶起舞  戏蜓雀跃
爱书香学堂  憧纯真生活

忽  暴风骤雨   笔刀墨剑
焚书坑儒  遍地妖魔
树木寸断  萌芽夭折
经年无雨  泉水干涸

枯枝青梅  封冻冰川
流浪竹马  困顿沙漠
残梦跌深渊  苦苦挣扎
仰望一线天  俯视沼泽
… …
忽闻冰崖上  滴滴水点声
可是天使来  又把泪珠落
枯藤渐苏醒  助我攀岩上
终于见天日  尽管伤害过

唤醒休眠种  播种田园
哪怕 错过了春天

忽见 天空一鹰  衔竹掠过
落地变为竹马  你在上边坐
拭去泪水  确认不是在梦魇
落地有声  你复述着我们的儿歌

你说  寻找了我  不知几个世纪
我言  期待着你  万千个日出日落

带我跃上神马  飞奔到世外桃源
我呢喃着  我俩才懂的方言传说

你对我 说着不离不弃的誓言
我对你 许着永永远远的承诺

IX.I Love Poetry


Tears dripped by ancient angels drop to stone and turn into a spring
The trickling rhythm merges into the surging river and sea
In innocence I drink the water during the outing
So poetic lakes pour out in my heart

In beautiful scenery, all seasons are like the spring
Friends of childhood is not a legend
Dancing with butterflies and playing with dragonflies
I love books and school and understand my pure life

Suddenly it’s in storms, rain, pen knives and ink swords
Burning books and burying alive Confucian scholars and all demons there
Trees are broken and sprout are died
There is no rain all year round and springs are dried

Dead branches of green plum froze the glaciers
Wandering bamboos struggle in the desert
Remnant dream falls into abyss struggling bitterly
Looking up at a crack of sky, and overlooking the swamp

Suddenly I heard the sound of dripping water on the ice cliff
Does the angel come and shed tears again
Withered vines gradually wake up and help me climb the rock
I finally saw the sun though I’d been injured

I will wake up the dormant seeds and plant them in fields
Even if I may miss the spring
The green grass of hope grows hopes
Sweat water the ill-fated years

Suddenly I see an eagle over the sky with a banboo
Falling in the ground and being a bamboo horse, you sit on it
I wiped away my tears and make sure it is not a nightmare
There is a sound on the floor as falling, you repeat our children’s song

You take my childish and tearful innocence
I follow your old and solid promise
You said you do not know how many centuries you’ve sought for me
I said, I’ve been looking forward to you, thousands of sunrises and sunsets

Please take me to the Divine Horse and fly to the paradise
I murmured that we only understand our dialect legend
You put ring for me on my ring finger
I promise you a marriage contract

Your name is Poetry
My name is Love
You come from an ancient time as an angel
Into my blood and veins
I start with the innocence of my childhood
Be your ribs and reluctant to separate
You say to me the oath of not leaving and not giving up
I promise you forever and ever

Translated by Sophy Chen

之十一, 头上的一颗星


夏日的夜晚  余热掺着微风
合唱的回声  伴着心路独行
仰望夜空  深蓝谧静
唯有你  在头上若隐若明

我行你行  我停你停

我的心事  你或许读懂
你的星光  点亮我的行程
翻过一道山  也许就是天明
趟过一条河  就是桃源仙境



XI. A Star On The Head

Tonight, I came back from the American Chinese Choir and wrote what thinking on the way

The waste heat was mingled with the breeze in a summer night
The echo of the chorus walks alone with the way of heart
Looking up at the night sky it’s blue and quiet
Only you are looming in the head
Only you appear and disappear over my head

I go, you go,I stop and you stop
Distance is a wonderful eternity
It rains but can not drop you to the crowd
It is difficult to meet the trace of your fairy in a spaceship

My mind you may understand
Your starlight lights up my journey
Turning over a mountain, it maybe the dawn
Wandering across a river it is the Fairy Land of Peach Blossoms

I’m dancing waltz here
I am indulge in self-admiration so I forgot to wait for your invitation
You drink some good tea in the sky
The shadow couple is drunk in an ancient dream

You drink alone, and I am drunk
I dance alone, but are you the man playing the ancient lute

Translated by Sophy Chen

之十二,  生命的剧场




XII. The Theater Of Life

Clouds drifting in the theater of life
Pursuit, the bright sunshine of the journey
In each scene it has a different overture
In each scene it opens the skylight of morning glow

Wind, rolling up the unpredictable waves
And playing unsolved hide and seek with the clouds
I clearly get a glimpse of the pleasant harbor
But it turns into the sadness of sea and waves in glance

Heaven, opens its broad mind
Tolerates happiness and sadness in its arms
Refines past scenes
And creates a new symphony movement

Translated by Sophy Chen

之十三, 团圆的怀抱



荆棘坎坷  熟视无睹


XIII. The Embrace Of Reunion

I dabble in the rough mountain trails
Lonely wormwood all around me
I collect drops of dew
And torment bitter wild vegetables

I beat the real rhythm in the rain
I listen to history songs and dances
Past notes in the wind
I pursue and focus dreams of freedom

I go my way
The rough and tumble is hard to see on my way
Let wind and clouds changing
Let note stringed into raindrops

I do not know how many hills I’ve crossed
When wind frost infects the hair tips of years
I finally climbed the top of new mountain
The mountains full of flowers opened up the embrace of reunion

Translated by Sophy Chen

之十四, 我是谁


我是谁 汇集奔流的小溪

我去哪  跳着自然的韵律

我是云 我是雾 我是雨  我是水

天地之间  撒下碧蓝翠绿的梦境

XIV. Who Am I

I got up from the sea level
Rising with rays of the morning sun
Condensed into pieces of thin clouds
Walking through the forest of light

Who am I, collect into running streams
Dye the layers of mountains green
The clothes dance lightly
And fill up my travelling bags

Where will I go, dance the rhythm of nature
Spread the sound of waves on the road
Sea swallow, spreading wings in my thoughts
Boat sail, reflecting in my heart

I am the cloud, I am fog, I am rain, and I am water
The sea is my cradle
The waves are my heart

The blue sky is the shadow of the sea
I drive a poetic ship
Between the sea and the sky
Between heaven and earth, sprinkle the blue and green dreams

Translated by Sophy Chen


自由色彩形象 Image of Free Color


李世岚,笔名自由色彩,业余自由诗歌写作者。曾是七七级首届恢复高考本科生,默默耕耘三尺讲台多年,在学术刊物发表几十篇论文及获几项科研成果奖都成过去完成时。解甲归田后,更喜欢低调生活,旅居海外,吟诗弄画,以诗为酒,自得其乐,或与好友小酌。酣醉时发出几首至美国《凤凰华人资讯》,感谢均被发表于其文学走廊专栏。今闻苏菲诗歌芬芳,脾胃甚合,遂拣出十首开启柴门奉与爱好者,以期品酌同磋小醉于现代自由诗歌。 被翻译汉译英作品散见于《苏菲诗歌&翻译》英汉 世界纸质诗刊、《PENTASI B 2019 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖 诗选》、 《PENTASI B 2019 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖 诗全集 上下册》等各大世界性报刊杂志。

About Free Color

Li Shilan, pen name Free Color, is an amateur free poetry writer. She was the first undergraduate of 1977 that China again started its college entrance examination. She has been quietly working on the three-foot podium for many years, and published dozens of papers in academic journals and won several scientific research achievement awards. After returning to the field, she prefers a low-key life, living abroad, writing poems, painting, drinking poems for fun, or having a drink with friends. When she was drunk, she sent out a few poems to “Phoenix Chinese Information” of United States. She thanks for being published in its literary corridor column. Today, she hears that Sophy Poetry is fragrant which is good for her stomach and spleen. So she selected ten poems to open the door of poetry for her readers, in order to taste and learn about modern free poetry. Her translated poems C-E published in a lot of Chinese and Foreign poetry selections, such as Sophy Poetry &Translation E-C World Poetry Paper Magazine, Poetry Selection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards and Complete Poems Collection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards(Volume 1-2), ect.

Translated by Sophy Chen


Nominee: [Heilongjiang,China] Free Color~ Pentasi B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry AwardTranslated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究


Nominee: [Heilongjiang,China] Free Color~ Pentasi B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Award▲苏菲形象照 Image of Sophy Chen


Sophy Chen, her name, Lihua and family name, Chen, born in Lueyang, Hanzhong, Shannxi Province, China, is the Chinese contemporary poet, translator, and American English Legendary Poet. She graduated from English Institute of Xi’an International Studies University in English Literature. She is the founder of Sophy Poetry & World Translation Website, Sophy Poetry & Translation(C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine and Sophy International Translation Publishing House, the president of Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum, the founder of Sophy Chen World Poetry Award. Sophy Chen is Admin Of PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry, a Member of the Translators Association of China, a Member of the World Nations Writers Union, Kazakhstan, and its Chairman’s Chinese Literaturre & Translation Consultant. Sophy Chen is appointed as a Honorary Membership of PABLO NERUDA ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE in 2019.
She began to write Chinese poetry in 1989 and English poetry in 2004, and translate Chinese Poetry into English poetry and English poetry into Chinese poetry in 2005.
In 2012 she won the annual International Best Translator Award issued by IPTRC. In the same year, she received the Legendary Poet Award from the famous international English poetry website ( In 2014 she won the Chinese Contemporary Poetry Translation Award (2013-2014). In 2018 she won Pentasi B World Featured Poet and Pentasi B World Inspirational Poet; the International Icon of Literature of Mewadev Laurel Award in India; In 2019 she won Neruda Award of Italy; the Wrangal’s Golden Peacock Award, Pentasi B Pentasian Award, Pentasi B World Poet Laureate Award and Pentasi B World Golden Voice Poetry 2019.
She translated and published seven collections of Chinese poems into English: The Flower Swaying (2014) by Zhao Xingzhong; Tibetan Incense (2014) by ZiYing; The Outlook of Life (2014) by Yang Ruopeng; Different Tunes (2014) by Greensleeves; The Body Forward (2015) by the painter TanJun, A Poetry Biography for White Snake by Liao Shidie and I Find Your Beauty In The Taste Of Your Eyes by Chen Hui (Taste’s Eyes) (2019)
She published an English poetry collection, Sophy English Sonnets, Tuberose (2018). She translated, edited and published Poetry Selection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards (2019) and Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine. The Complete Poems Collection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards(Volume 1-2)are editting.
Sophy Chen is the Host-Organizer & Sponsor of CHINA WORLD POETREE FESTIVAL 2019, PENTASI B World Fellowship, Mainland China, 2019. She has successfully organized, sponsored and held PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards in China.


苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代诗人、翻译家。美国英语“传奇诗人”。生于陕西汉中略阳;毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院。“苏菲诗歌&世界翻译网”、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊、“苏菲国际翻译出版社”创办人、“苏菲世界诗歌博物馆”馆长。“苏菲世界诗歌奖” 发起人。PENTASI B 世界诗歌联谊会行政管理、中国翻译协会会员、卡萨克斯坦“世界各族人民作家协会”会员、“世界各族人民作家协会”主席 中国文学顾问,中国文学翻译顾问、意大利“聂鲁达文学协会”名誉会员。
2012年,苏菲荣获IPTRC颁发的2012年度 “国际最佳翻译家奖”、 同年,荣获著名国际英语诗歌网(传奇诗人奖。2014年荣获中国当代诗歌翻译奖(2013-2014年)。2018年,苏菲荣获Pentasi B 世界杰出诗人奖、Pentasi B 世界精神诗人奖;印度米瓦德威•桂冠奖——2018 “国际文学偶像”奖。2019年,苏菲荣获意大利聂鲁达奖;印度朗格尔金孔雀奖;Pentasi B 2019年度奖;Pentasi B世界桂冠诗人奖;PENTASI B 2019 世界金色之声诗歌奖。
苏菲出版英语诗歌原创集,“苏菲英语十四行诗”《晚香玉》(2018)。翻译编辑出版诗歌合集《PENTASI B 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗选》(2019)。主编主译 《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊。主编主译《PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗全集(上下册)》 编辑出版中。
苏菲是PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖主办方、组织人和赞助人。苏菲成功组织、赞助、主办了PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节& 苏菲世界诗歌奖。



sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究


[Shandong, China] Tianyu: PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award Nominee. ISSN:2616-2660, 2616-5058Pentasi B 中国世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖
中外诗人诗集/作品展 常年征集参展图书/艺术作品
接受诗歌集/作品集图书参展, 接受艺术作品捐赠永久馆藏;
苏菲微信:sophypoetry3, sophypoetry2 (投稿/捐赠)

Books Contribution For Exhibition Of Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Poetry Collections of Pentasi B China-World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards

Sophy Poetry & Translation纸刊《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)世界诗刊 常年征稿
"Sophy Poetry & Translation" (E-C) Magazine Needs Poems All Years
联系微信: sophypoetry3,478674384
a good poem or more poems, bio in 100words, send to

PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award苏菲世界诗歌博物馆常年征集中外诗人诗集/作品集/艺术作品
Sophy World Poetry Museum Collecting Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Poetry Collections All Years

接受诗歌集/作品集图书参展, 接受艺术作品捐赠永久馆藏;
苏菲微信:sophypoetry3, sophypoetry2 (投稿/捐赠)



sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究





Copyright Statement

1. Works translated by Sophy Chen, whether it is English-Chinese translation or Chinese-English translation, the copyright of the translated text belongs to the translator Sophy Chen. Without the written permission of Sophy Chen, the translated text may not be altered, re-translated or translated into other languages.
2.The translated works whose target language is Chinese or English (the translator's name is removed) are not allowed to be published on the Internet, published in domestic and foreign publications or awarded as the original works or translated works of the author. If the translated works are not accompanied by the translator's name or without the original language or target language or conceal the translator's name, you will be treated as infringement of translation copyright and will be notified online and investigated for legal liability.
3.No translated works or translated publication maybe reproduced,co-edited or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher, author or translator.
4. The copyright of the original works belong to the original author. Without the written permission of the original author, no individual may alter or copy the works. Without the written permission of the original author and the original publisher, no other publishing institution may usurp or reprint the original publication.

[ 法律顾问:李刚 Legal Counsel : Ligang ]



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