The Chinese Poets Sophy Chen, Dazang Chen & Eyes' Taste Are Awarded By 2019 “Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy


苏菲主编《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴》(汉英对照) 常年征稿
Call For Poems Of Sophy Chen’s Translation Of “World Poetry Yearbook” (C-E Bilingual) all years

新诗1首不超过25行;古体诗词4-8句左右; 俳句3-9句
投稿微信:sophypoetry3 (或已加微信)

Please submit 1 masterpiece of free verse in English within 25 lines
or haiku in English within 3-9 sentences.
Submission Method: Sophy Chen’s facebook
or email:

Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)世界诗人诗歌集(英汉对照)全球常年征稿
Notice to Contributors of World Poets' Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)
联系微信: sophypoetry3,478674384




[Tips] we give all of Chinese poets chance to get this honour, because the competition 2020 will start at September. Sophy Chen from China will be its jury continue. You need to know your Chinese poems will be translated into English by me first and then Italian translators will translate my English version into Italian and then your Italian poems can be put into the competition. If you want to take part in please ask me in my any weichat or call me:.

【赛事提示】2020年意大利“帕那苏斯-安杰洛·拉·韦基亚 诗歌奖”大赛将在今年9月启动。中国的Sophy Chen苏菲继续担任评审团成员,本赛将给中国诗人更多获得荣誉的机会。中文诗要翻译成英文,再由意大利译者译成意大利语,才能参赛。如果您想获得这一荣誉,请微信咨询或致电:。(详情查看汉语网页)


The Chinese Poets Sophy Chen, Dazang Chen & Eyes’ Taste Are Awarded By “Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy

By Sophy Chen


[Sophy Poetry & World Translation Website, Sophy International Translation Publishing House, Sophy Poetry & Translation C-E World Paper Magazine, Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum, 2020-08-01, Chinese poet Sophy Chen published the News in Guangzhou, China]

As a member of the jury of the “Il Parnaso International” section of “Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy, first I will thank Prof. Calogero La Vecchia,  (art director of the competititon:“Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia”) for his appointment in his name and the whole organization of the Poetry Competition “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia”. 

The jury will have the task of evaluating some poems that will be selected by a special commission of translators, among all those participating in the competition and coming from countries other than Italy. In the last edition of 2019, around 400 poets from 23 different countries participated. It has the patronage of the Minister of Culture of Italian state, the patronage of the Minister of Culture of the state of Dagestan and three competition sections with three foreign states (Daghestan, Crimea, Macedonia). Of course China is following. 

As its Chinese jury I have recommended some Chinese poets’ poems translated by me and it is so lucky that two poets, Dazang Chen and Eyes’ Taste, are awarded. Of course I am so happy to get its the Diploma ex Honoris Causa as jury too. It is my great honor that I am considered, ascertained and appreciated the commitment with which I carried out the delicate fiulction of careful and inlpartial judge of the Competition, in the INTERNATIONAL section. 

The certificate of award is as follows :(due to many languages on the certificate, it will not be translated into English and Chinese!)


The Chinese Poets Sophy Chen, Dazang Chen & Eyes’ Taste Are Awarded By 2019 “Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy
The Diploma ex Honoris Causa Of Chinese Poet Sophy Chen “Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” Of Italy
意大利 帕那苏斯 诗歌奖 中国诗人、翻译家苏菲 荣誉评审员 证书

The Diploma ex Honoris Causa Of Chinese Poet Sophy Chen
“Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” Of Italy

The Chinese Poets Sophy Chen, Dazang Chen & Eyes’ Taste Are Awarded By 2019 “Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy

Certifiacate Of Chinese Poet Dazang Chen
“Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” Of Italy

The Chinese Poets Sophy Chen, Dazang Chen & Eyes’ Taste Are Awarded By 2019 “Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy

Certifiacate Of Chinese Poet Eyes’ Taste
“Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” Of Italy


It has its anthology in Italian too. All of poems in this anthology are in Italian, well some poems with their mother languages too. If you need the paper copy of this book you need to pay mail fee from Italy to your nation.



Anthology Cover 2019 Of “Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” Of Italy


First, let me thank Prof. Calogero La Vecchia,  (art director of the competititon: “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia”) for his hard working for this competition and better comunication with me, Sophy Chen from China in English Language. Second, let me thank the organization of the Poetry Competition “Il Parnaso – Premio Angelo La Vecchia” .Third, let me thank my Chinese poets’ good poems to me.

In the end, it is a pity that some poets, you did not get this honour but please do not lost your confidence we give all of Chinese poets chance to get its honour from this time on because the competition 2020 will start at September as Prof. Calogero La Vecchia said he is very happy that Sophy Chen from China will be its jury continue. You need to know your Chinese poems will be translated into English by me first and then Italian translators will translate my English version into Italian and then your Italian poems can be put into the competition. If you want to take part in please ask me in my any wechat or call me:.





The Chinese Poets Sophy Chen, Dazang Chen & Eyes’ Taste Are Awarded By 2019 “Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy

苏菲、大藏、眼睛的味道 荣获
意大利 "帕那苏斯-安杰洛·拉·韦基亚" 诗歌奖

苏菲/ Sophy Chen

[苏菲诗歌&世界翻译网,苏菲国际翻译出版社,《苏菲诗歌&翻译》英汉纸质世界诗刊,苏菲世界诗歌博物馆 2020-08-01中国诗人苏菲编辑报道]

作为意大利“帕那苏斯-安杰洛·拉·韦基亚 诗歌奖”,“ 帕那苏斯国际”部评审委员会成员,首先,我要感谢卡洛格罗·拉·韦基亚教授(本赛艺术总监)以他的名义代表“帕哈拉索-安杰洛·拉·韦基亚”文学组织对我的任命。





意大利 帕那苏斯 诗歌奖 中国诗人、翻译家苏菲 荣誉评审员 证书(图略)

意大利 帕那苏斯 诗歌奖 中国诗人大藏 获奖证书(图略)

意大利 帕那苏斯 诗歌奖 中国诗人眼睛的味道 获奖证书(图略)



2019 大赛选集封面(图略)

首先,让我感谢卡洛格罗·拉·韦基亚教授(本赛艺术总监)为本次比赛付出的辛勤工作以及与我的良好沟通,与来自中国的苏菲,用英语的良好的沟通。其次,我要感谢帕那苏斯-安杰洛·拉·韦基亚 诗歌大赛组委会。第三,我要感谢中国诗人优秀的诗歌。

最后,很遗憾,有些诗人没有获得这项荣誉,但请不要灰心,2020年大赛将在今年9月启动。正如洛格罗·拉·韦基亚教授(本赛艺术总监)说的那样,他很高兴来自中国的Sophy Chen苏菲继续担任评审团成员,因此本赛将给中国诗人更多获得荣誉的机会。中文诗要翻译成英文,再由意大利译者译成意大利语,才能参赛。如果您想获得这一荣誉,请微信咨询或致电:。




The poems of Sophy Chen, Dazang Chen and Eyes’ Taste in Italian,Chinese, English and some in Russia in this Anthology



Sophy Chen  1 poem:

English Sonnet, Tuberose by Sophy chen in four languages, English, Chinese, Italian, and Russian.


Sophy Chen’s English Original poem

[China] Sophy Chen


As I was young my mom planted some flowers
In front of our old wooden house in springs
In my memory they were peony, China rose…
But what I loved the most was the tuberose
In summer night it’s a nice time to me
You could sit in yard to listen the night birds
Singing on cliffs, insects singing in bushes
And look at the moon moving in night skies
However, while your heart was beating at pace
With insects singing and in the sudden
From nowhere floating the rays of fragrance
In the moon a bunch of tuberose blossoms
As these flowers always bloom in moon nights
Your great poem may be living in its fragrance








2013年10月5日 中国广州


[Cina] Sophy Chen


Quando ero piccola mia mamma ha piantato dei fiori
di fronte alla nostra vecchia casa di legno in primavera
Nella mia memoria erano peonia, rose cinesi …
Ma quello che ho amato di più è stata la tuberosa
La notte d’estate è un bel momento per me.
Puoi sederti in cortile per ascoltare gli uccelli notturni
cantare sulle rocce, insetti cantare tra i cespugli
e guardare la luna che si muove nei cieli di notte.
Tuttavia, mentre il tuo cuore batte al ritmo
del canto degli insetti che cantano, all’improvviso
dal nulla si diffonde tra il chiarore della luna
il profumo di un mazzo di fiori di tuberosa
E visto che questi fiori sbocciano sempre nelle notti di luna
la tua dolce poesia potrebbe vivere nella sua fragranza


[Кітай] Софи Чен


Я была мала,
когда мама весной сажала цветы
возле нашего старого деревянного дома.
Помню, это были пионы – китайские розы…
Но мне нравились больше всего туберозы.
Как люблю я летние ночи!
Можешь сесть во дворе
и слушать птиц, поющих средь скал,
и стрекот певчих цикад –
и смотреть на луну, плывущую в небесах.
И пока твоё сердце
бьётся в ритме поющих цикад,
возникает внезапно –
из ниоткуда – средь света луны –
аромат туберозы, в букете.
И поскольку эти цветы
всегда распускаются в лунные ночи,
твой прекрасный стих может жить в их


Dazang Chen Bio & 1 poem

大藏,本名陈建荣,70后,生于浙江金华。中国当代诗人、诗评者、诗传播者。致力于中国诗歌的创新性写作、诗歌理论批评与中外诗歌的国际化传播。1989年接触文学诗歌。1993年开始诗歌创作。2013年涉足诗歌批评。诗作收入多种年度诗歌选本,作品散见于各级报刊杂志、诗歌门户、网刊、博客、大藏诗歌网等。诗歌评论发表于《文化月刊》、《特区文学》等期刊杂志。荣获多个诗歌奖项:2017年被评为“中国新诗百年’全球华语诗人诗作评选新诗百年百位最具潜力诗人”。2019 年荣获Pentasi B 世界杰出诗人奖、Pentasi B 世界精神诗人奖、2019 意大利 帕那苏斯诗歌奖。


About Dazang Chen
Dazang Chen was born in Jinhua, Zhejiang province of China, in 1970s, who is a Chinese contemporary poet, poetry reviewer and poetry communicator. He is committed to write Chinese poetry, and poetry reviews and spread poetry internationally. He started to write works in 1989, poems in 1993 and poetry critics in 2013. His poems were published in various newspapers, magazines and annual anthologies and some poetry websites, Sina Blog, and his own poetry website, Dazang Poetry website. His poetry reviews were published in “Cultural Monthly” and “Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Literature”, etc. He is awarded many poetry prizes, such as “The Most Valuable Poet of 100 Years in Chinese New Poetry” by Global Chinese Poets Selection of “One Hundred Years of Chinese New Poetry”. He owns 2019 PENTASI B WORLD FEATURED POET AWARD and 2019 WORLD INSPIRATIONAL POET AWARD and 2019“Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award”of Italy.

He is the associate editor of “Sophy Poetry & Translation” E-C World Poetry Paper Magazine, the editor of “Poetry & World Translation Website”, the Chief Website Poet of “Sophy Poetry & World Translation Website”, and the founder of "Dazang Poetry Website”. Now he lives in Guangzhou.


Dazang Chen’s poem THE BIRD NEST in Three languages, Chinese, English and Italian.

Dazang Chen’s Chinese Original poem THE BIRD NEST

Dazang Chen

鸟 窝


作于2014年1月15日, 春节期间浙江到西安的火车上


Traduzione in Italiano dall’inglese di Giuseppe Arcadipane


Arrampicandosi sul finestrino del treno lei fa le foto del paesaggio intorno
Più veloce il treno va più il paesaggio viene spazzato via
Davanti alla fotocamera non si riesce spesso ad afferrare ciò che passa davanti
Per esempio come un alto albero di pioppo si china sui finestrini il suo cuore fa battere più velocemente ma la mente non l’ha recepito
Ciò sembra essere un gioco impegnativo per gli occhi e le mani nel tempo e nello spazio
Generalmente quando nell’orizzonte più lontano appare il nido d’uccello sembra un illusione
Lei inavvertitamente l’ha trascurato e adesso è diventato solo una curva che dall’angolo frontale del finestrino si allunga sino al suo angolo posteriore
Se in questo attimo appare un uccello che insegue il treno come un angelo fluttuante nel vento che sale danzando verso il cielo
lei con molta fortuna potrebbe catturare un solo istante della sua danza leggera
mentre la sua visione più bella è già scomparsa nell’immenso infinito.


English Version Translated by Sophy Chen

Traduzione in inglese dal cinese di Sophy Chen 


By climbing the train’s window, she is taking the pictures of the scenery outside
The faster the train goes, the more the scenery is swept to the wilderness
What flashed in front of the camera, is that she often can not grasp
For example, as a tall poplar tree by a tall poplar tree is leaping to the windows
It speeds up her heartbeat, but not hit her mind
This appears to be a competitive game by eyes and hands with the time and the space
Generally, as the bird nest just appears in an illusion in the most distant horizon
She has inadvertently slacked it, to be
A curve flying from the front corner of the window to the back corner of the window
If at this time, just a bird chasing the train
As an angel flying with wind, soared to the skies in dance
She would luckily capture a moment of its tripping dance
Well its more beautiful moment, has disappeared in the endless vast


Eyes’ Taste Bio & 1 poem


眼睛的味道,籍贯:中国湖南省张家界市,社会管理工作者。在散文、诗歌、评论,政治理论和哲学方面有比较多的研究和创作。荣获PENTASI B 2019 世界诗歌奖桂冠诗人奖、2019苏菲世界诗歌奖世界诗集奖、2019 意大利 帕那苏斯诗歌奖。

About the Author

Eyes’ Taste, his birthplace, Zhangjiajie City, Hunan Province, China, is a social management worker. He does many researches and creations in prose, poetry, commentary, political theory and philosophy. He owns 2019 WORLD POET LAUREATE AWARD OF PENTASI B AWARDS and WORLD POETRY COLLECTION OF SOPHY CHEN WORLD POETRY AWARD and 2019“Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy.


Eyes’ Taste’s’s poem THE RED SAGE in Three languages, Chinese, English and Italian.

Eyes’ Taste’s Chinese Original poem THE RED SAGE






English Poem Translated by Sophy Chen

Eyes’ Taste


The summer rain came with a refreshing temperament
The clouds came, the morning glow came and the birds came too
The summer moon is brighter
The summer flowers are more beautiful
The strings of summer insects are sounded
You are coming from the beautiful starlight in the depths of memory
From the deepest of memory
You are coming from the depths of jungle that you remember and miss
From the deepest of jungle
Just take the fawn flower on my chest and give it to you
Just keep the fragrance of my hand quietly
Just soothe the lotus outside of my window sill
It is a little light
Blooming its lasting light for your arrival

I spring tears off for you by my fingers
I cheer for you with my longing eyes
We don’t have to have long greetings across the fence
We are surrounded by the scent of the drunkenness across the fence
My heart is naked
The veil in my deep soul is lost
My flowers and plants grow piece by piece
My red sage bowed its head
My lavender is still light and sweet
My sun flower is bright
They are reading my heart in the valley of the night sky
My emotion touched the skirt of your clouds
As if there is the wind blowing through distant mountains
The burning sun is shining its light in this night
My heart is naked
My heart is swimming with the fragrant shyness
Clouds, come on, cover my shyness

I will hold my heart in my hands cautiously
Listening to the flute of summer insects outside of your window
Don’t stare at me quietly in the gap
I will hold a lotus flower that is in a full blossoming
In this splendid summer night of this starry sky
I will quietly return to the corner that bolongs to me
Don’t let people find stars in the night
Light your love with your heart
The eyes of the stars are melancholy
It brought depression into the bottom of my heart a lay by a lay
If it is a rainbow in the sky
I’ll take it off and hang it in your bun
If it is the white gardenia
I’ll sprinkle its fragrance
On the intersection you are going to pass
But that is my heart and how it can be picked
I only have a fawn flower on my chest
Come on, I will take it off and give it to you


(Eyes’ Taste)- pseudonimo di Chen Hui
Traduzione in italiano di Giovanna Rizzo 


La pioggia estiva è arrivata con un temperamento rinfrescante
Arrivarono le nuvole, arrivò il bagliore mattutino e vennero anche gli uccelli
La luna estiva è più luminosa
I fiori estivi sono più belli
Vengono suonate le corde degli insetti estivi
Tu vieni dalla bellissima luce delle stelle nella profondità della memoria
Dal più profondo della memoria
Tu vieni dalle profondità della giungla che ricordi e manchi
Dal più profondo della giungla
Prendo il fiore fulvo che è sul mio petto e lo do a te
prendo il profumo della mia mano in silenzio
accarezzo il loto fuori dal davanzale della mia finestra
È una piccola luce
Che fa splendere la sua luce duratura per il tuo arrive

spargo lacrime per te dalle dita
fanno il tifo per te i miei occhi bramosi
Non dobbiamo dirci addio attraverso il recinto
Siamo circondati dal profumo dell’ebbrezza attraverso il recinto
Il mio cuore è nudo
Il velo nella mia anima profonda è perso
I miei fiori e le mie piante crescono pian piano
La mia salvia rossa ha chinato la testa
La mia lavanda è ancora leggera e dolce
Il mio girasole è luminoso
Stanno leggendo il mio cuore nella valle del cielo notturno
La mia emozione ha sfiorato le tue nuvole
Come se ci fosse il vento che soffia attraverso montagne lontane
Il sole ardente splende la sua luce in questa note
Il mio cuore è nudo
Il mio cuore sta nuotando con la fragrante timidezza
Nuvole, venite, coprite la mia timidezza

Terrò il cuore tra le mani con cautela
Ascoltando il flauto di insetti estivi fuori dalla tua finestra
Non fissarmi in silenzio nel vuoto
Terrò un fiore di loto in piena fioritura
In questa splendida notte d’estate di questo cielo stellate
Ritornerò tranquillamente nell’angolo che mi appartiene
Non permettere alle persone di trovare le stelle nella note
Illumina il tuo amore con il tuo cuore
Gli occhi delle stelle sono malinconici
hanno portato la depressione nel profondo del mio cuore
Se ci fosse un arcobaleno nel cielo
Lo toglierei e lo appenderei sui tuoi capelli
Se ci fosse una gardenia Bianca
Cospargerei il suo profumo
Lungo la strada che percorrerai
Ma quello è il mio cuore e come può essere raccolto
Ho solo un fiore fulvo sul petto
Vieni , lo toglierò e te lo darò


sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究


Nominee: [Shanghai, China] Yu Zhicheng ~Pentasi B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Award▲苏菲形象照 Image of Sophy Chen


Sophy Chen, her name, Lihua and family name, Chen, born in Lueyang, Hanzhong, Shannxi Province, China, is the Chinese contemporary poet, translator, and American English Legendary Poet. She graduated from English Institute of Xi’an International Studies University in English Literature. She is the founder of Sophy Poetry & World Translation Website, Sophy Poetry & Translation(C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine and Sophy International Translation Publishing House, the president of Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum, the founder of Sophy Chen World Poetry Award. Sophy Chen is Admin Of PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry, a Member of the Translators Association of China, a Member of the World Nations Writers Union, Kazakhstan, and its Chairman’s Chinese Literaturre & Translation Consultant. Sophy Chen is appointed as a Honorary Membership of PABLO NERUDA ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE in 2019.
She began to write Chinese poetry in 1989 and English poetry in 2004, and translate Chinese Poetry into English poetry and English poetry into Chinese poetry in 2005.
In 2012 she won the annual International Best Translator Award issued by IPTRC. In the same year, she received the Legendary Poet Award from the famous international English poetry website ( In 2014 she won the Chinese Contemporary Poetry Translation Award (2013-2014). In 2018 she won Pentasi B World Featured Poet and Pentasi B World Inspirational Poet; the International Icon of Literature of Mewadev Laurel Award in India; In 2019 she won Neruda Award of Italy; the Wrangal’s Golden Peacock Award, Pentasi B Pentasian Award, Pentasi B World Poet Laureate Award and Pentasi B World Golden Voice Poetry 2019.
She translated and published seven collections of Chinese poems into English: The Flower Swaying (2014) by Zhao Xingzhong; Tibetan Incense (2014) by ZiYing; The Outlook of Life (2014) by Yang Ruopeng; Different Tunes (2014) by Greensleeves; The Body Forward (2015) by the painter TanJun, A Poetry Biography for White Snake by Liao Shidie and I Find Your Beauty In The Taste Of Your Eyes by Chen Hui (Taste’s Eyes) (2019)
She published an English poetry collection, Sophy English Sonnets, Tuberose (2018). She translated, edited and published Poetry Selection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards (2019) and Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine. The Complete Poems Collection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards(Volume 1-2)are editting.
Sophy Chen is the Host-Organizer & Sponsor of CHINA WORLD POETREE FESTIVAL 2019, PENTASI B World Fellowship, Mainland China, 2019. She has successfully organized, sponsored and held PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards in China.


苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代诗人、翻译家。美国英语“传奇诗人”。生于陕西汉中略阳;毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院。“苏菲诗歌&世界翻译网”、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊、“苏菲国际翻译出版社”创办人、“苏菲世界诗歌博物馆”馆长。“苏菲世界诗歌奖” 发起人。PENTASI B 世界诗歌联谊会行政管理、中国翻译协会会员、卡萨克斯坦“世界各族人民作家协会”会员、“世界各族人民作家协会”主席 中国文学顾问,中国文学翻译顾问、意大利“聂鲁达文学协会”名誉会员。
2012年,苏菲荣获IPTRC颁发的2012年度 “国际最佳翻译家奖”、 同年,荣获著名国际英语诗歌网(传奇诗人奖。2014年荣获中国当代诗歌翻译奖(2013-2014年)。2018年,苏菲荣获Pentasi B 世界杰出诗人奖、Pentasi B 世界精神诗人奖;印度米瓦德威•桂冠奖——2018 “国际文学偶像”奖。2019年,苏菲荣获意大利聂鲁达奖;印度朗格尔金孔雀奖;Pentasi B 2019年度奖;Pentasi B世界桂冠诗人奖;PENTASI B 2019 世界金色之声诗歌奖。
苏菲出版英语诗歌原创集,“苏菲英语十四行诗”《晚香玉》(2018)。翻译编辑出版诗歌合集《PENTASI B 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗选》(2019)。主编主译 《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊。主编主译《PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗全集(上下册)》 编辑出版中。
苏菲是PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖主办方、组织人和赞助人。苏菲成功组织、赞助、主办了PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节& 苏菲世界诗歌奖。


[Shandong, China] Tianyu: PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award Nominee. ISSN:2616-2660, 2616-5058Pentasi B 中国世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖
中外诗人诗集/作品展 常年征集参展图书/艺术作品
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苏菲微信:sophypoetry3, sophypoetry2 (投稿/捐赠)

Books Contribution For Exhibition Of Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Poetry Collections of Pentasi B China-World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards

Sophy Poetry & Translation纸刊《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)世界诗刊 常年征稿
"Sophy Poetry & Translation" (E-C) Magazine Needs Poems All Years
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PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Award苏菲世界诗歌博物馆常年征集中外诗人诗集/作品集/艺术作品
Sophy World Poetry Museum Collecting Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Poetry Collections All Years

接受诗歌集/作品集图书参展, 接受艺术作品捐赠永久馆藏;
苏菲微信:sophypoetry3, sophypoetry2 (投稿/捐赠)



sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究





Copyright Statement

1. Works translated by Sophy Chen, whether it is English-Chinese translation or Chinese-English translation, the copyright of the translated text belongs to the translator Sophy Chen. Without the written permission of Sophy Chen, the translated text may not be altered, re-translated or translated into other languages.
2.The translated works whose target language is Chinese or English (the translator's name is removed) are not allowed to be published on the Internet, published in domestic and foreign publications or awarded as the original works or translated works of the author. If the translated works are not accompanied by the translator's name or without the original language or target language or conceal the translator's name, you will be treated as infringement of translation copyright and will be notified online and investigated for legal liability.
3.No translated works or translated publication maybe reproduced,co-edited or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher, author or translator.
4. The copyright of the original works belong to the original author. Without the written permission of the original author, no individual may alter or copy the works. Without the written permission of the original author and the original publisher, no other publishing institution may usurp or reprint the original publication.

[ 法律顾问:李刚 Legal Counsel : Ligang ]



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