苏菲主编《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴》(汉英对照) 常年征稿
Call For Poems Of Sophy Chen’s Translation Of “World Poetry Yearbook” (C-E Bilingual) all years
新诗1首不超过25行;古体诗词4-8句左右; 俳句3-9句
投稿微信:sophypoetry3 (或已加微信)
Please submit 1 masterpiece of free verse in English within 25 lines
or haiku in English within 3-9 sentences.
Submission Method: Sophy Chen’s facebook
or email: xisusophy@163.com
Notice to Contributors of World Poets' Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)
联系微信: sophypoetry3,478674384
E-mail: xisusophy@163.com(overseas)
[Sophy International Translation Publishing House, Sophy Poetry & Translation C-E World Poetry Paper Magazine and Sophy Poetry & International Translation Website 2019-09-26, Edited and Reported by Sophy Chen, in China.]
[《苏菲国际翻译出版社》、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》英汉世界纸质诗刊、“苏菲诗歌&国际翻译网”全球讯 2019-09-26 苏菲编辑报道。]
Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen Received An INVITATION Of The 5th International Multilingual Poets' Meet, India
An original poem of Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen was selected in the international multilingual poetry anthology Amaravati Poetic Prism 2019 and she was invited to take part in the 5th International Multilingual Poets’ Meet in 2019-12-21-22.
Thanks for this great chance in name of poetry and I am so happy to go to India which has given birth to so many great poets around the world and I am so happy to show this news to all of poets in China and even around the world!
I will take the Chinese Poet, Dazang, associate editor of Sophy Poetry & Translation C-E World Poetry Paper Magazine and some poetry magazines and collections togather.
Poetry has no nations
We are in a big famliy
In name of poetry
——Sophy Chen
Sophy Chen / Lihua Chen, Poet, translator,
Founder of Sophy Poetry & Translation C-E World Poetry Paper Magazine
Founder of Sophy International Translation Publishing House
President of Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum
Founder of Sophy Chen World Poetry Award
President of Sophy Chen Education
Host, Organizer & Sponsor of CHINA WORLD POETRY FESTIVAL 2019,PENTASI B World Fellowship, Mainland China, 2019.
PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry

The Cultural Centre Of Vijayawada & Amaravati
4th Floor, Madhu Malaxmi Chambers, Mogalrajpuram, Vijayawada – 520010, A.P, India
Ref: APP-2019 Invitation
20 September, 2019
Ms. Sophy Chen,
Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province, China
Respected Poet,
Sub: Invitation to our 5th International Multilingual Poets’ Meet–2019 & Launch of our International Multilingual Poetry Anthology Amaravati Poetic Prism 2019 - 21 & 22 Dec’19
Greetings from the Cultural Centre of Vijayawada & Amaravati (CCVA)!
We sincerely thank you for adorning our international multilingual poetry anthology Amaravati Poetic Prism 2019 with your poetry. Happy to share with you that this anthology now has 1190+ poems in 120+ languages, thanks to the valuable contributions of poems from poets like you!
We have planned to unveil Amaravati Poetic Prism 2019 at our 5th International Multilingual Poets’ Meet-2019 on 21st and 22nd December, 2019 at Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
It gives us immense pleasure to extend our warm invitation to this 2-day event, where you get to read your poem from this poetry anthology and also interact with poet delegates from India and other countries.
In this connection,
1) We regret that we are unable to pay your travelling expenses. However, once you land in Vijayawada, your entire hospitality including airport/railway station pick up & drop, comfortable hotel stay, food and if time permits, some sight-seeing too, will be totally taken care of by us. Our volunteers will guide you and be with you throughout your stay at Vijayawada making it a memorable and great experience.
2) The hotel accommodation will be available to you:
from 20 December, 2019 – 16.00 hrs (4 pm) to 23 December, 2019 – 09.00 hrs. (09 am)
3) It will be your responsibility to get the relevant Visa to visit India to be at our 5th International Multilingual Poets’ Meet. For the purpose of obtaining the necessary approvals and clearances, this letter may be please treated as our formal invitation.
The earlier four editions of our International Multilingual Poets’ Meet 2015 to 2018, were a huge success with wonderful poetry and great participation of the poet delegates, who went back with pleasant memories of these events and their stay at Vijayawada. This time round too, we expect our 5th International Multilingual Poets’ Meet-2019 to be a bigger and better event with some more wonderful poetry and active participation of poets from India and overseas.
We eagerly look forward to your positive response asap, latest by 26 September, 2019.
Best Always & Warm Regards.
E. Siva Nagi Reddy CEO, CCVA Hon. |
Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy Literary Advisor, CCVA. |
[《苏菲国际翻译出版社》、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》英汉世界纸质诗刊、“苏菲诗歌&国际翻译网”全球讯 2019-09-26 苏菲编辑报道。]
——苏菲(Sophy Chen)
《苏菲诗歌&翻译》英汉纸质世界诗刊 创始人
苏菲国际翻译出版社 创始人
苏菲世界诗歌博物馆 馆长
苏菲世界诗歌奖 创始人
苏菲陈教育 总裁
PENTASI B 世界诗歌联谊会

邀请函(原文)(苏菲 译)
The Cultural Centre Of Vijayawada & Amaravati
4th Floor, Madhu Malaxmi Chambers, Mogalrajpuram, Vijayawada – 520010, A.P, India
苏菲 女士,
首发式 邀请函 2019-12月-21日-22日
E. Siva Nagi Reddy CEO, CCVA Hon. |
Padmaja Iyengar-Paddy Literary Advisor, CCVA. |
©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究
Pentasi B 中国世界诗歌节暨苏菲世界诗歌奖
中外诗人诗集/作品展 常年征集参展图书/艺术作品
接受诗歌集/作品集图书参展, 接受艺术作品捐赠永久馆藏;
苏菲微信:sophypoetry3, sophypoetry2 (投稿/捐赠)
Books Contribution For Exhibition Of Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Poetry Collections of Pentasi B China-World Poetry Festival And Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards
E-mail: xisusophy@163.com(overseas)
纸刊《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)世界诗刊 常年征稿
"Sophy Poetry & Translation" (E-C) Magazine Needs Poems All Years
联系微信: sophypoetry3,478674384
a good poem or more poems, bio in 100words, send to
E-mail: xisusophy@163.com(overseas)
Sophy World Poetry Museum Collecting Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Poetry Collections All Years
接受诗歌集/作品集图书参展, 接受艺术作品捐赠永久馆藏;
苏菲微信:sophypoetry3, sophypoetry2 (投稿/捐赠)
E-mail: xisusophy@163.com(overseas)
©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究
Copyright Statement
1. Works translated by Sophy Chen, whether it is English-Chinese translation or Chinese-English translation, the copyright of the translated text belongs to the translator Sophy Chen. Without the written permission of Sophy Chen, the translated text may not be altered, re-translated or translated into other languages.
2.The translated works whose target language is Chinese or English (the translator's name is removed) are not allowed to be published on the Internet, published in domestic and foreign publications or awarded as the original works or translated works of the author. If the translated works are not accompanied by the translator's name or without the original language or target language or conceal the translator's name, you will be treated as infringement of translation copyright and will be notified online and investigated for legal liability.
3.No translated works or translated publication maybe reproduced,co-edited or reproduced without the written permission of the publisher, author or translator.
4. The copyright of the original works belong to the original author. Without the written permission of the original author, no individual may alter or copy the works. Without the written permission of the original author and the original publisher, no other publishing institution may usurp or reprint the original publication.
[ 法律顾问:李刚 Legal Counsel : Ligang ]