Global Book Launching Ceremony of Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 (C-E Bilingual) Held Successfully In Guangzhou, China

Global Book Calling Ceremony of Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2022 (C-E Bilingual) & Opening Ceremony of Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum Guangzhou China Branch, held successfully on August 6, 2022 in Guangzhou, China.

[Video]The Republic Of Ghana Honors A Filipino, Doc Penpen, THE FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY

DOC PENPEN Is Awarded as The Father of Visual Poetry by THE REPUBLIC OF GHANA. FROM THE STATE MINISTER OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT In Collaboration With The PBWF Ghana Event Organizers & Fellow Ghanaian Poets, Writers & Artists HEREBY PRESENT THIS HONOR AND RECOGNITION AS ANYUINSEM AGYA.

[Video] Sophy Chen, the Chinese poet and translator, Owns NERUDA AWARD (The First Chinese Poet)

Sophy Chen, me, has been highly-selected as Honorary Membership by PABLO NERUDA ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE. In 2019 Sophy Chen is also the first Honorary Membership of Neruda in China. Really honored!

[Vedio] PENTASI B AWARDEES & HPAW INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, GHANA, AFRICA Held at University of Ghana on 29th September...

PENTASI B Ghana World Poetry Festival 2018 AWARDEES & HPAW INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, GHANA, AFRICA Held at University of Ghana on 29th September 2018. These are WORLD LEADER LAUREATES, WORLD HUMANITARIAN …

The Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 is a landmark in the history of International Poetry from Sappho...

Sophy Chen's World Poetry Yearbook 2021 sets new standards in Poetry as both Homer and Sappho did in classical times. Her inspiration sets a new landmark with translations from 691 poets. She employs new ways of presenting poetry to the world.

[Video]Philippine Poet Penpen Awarded Father Of Visual Poetry Of Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards —the Award Speech Attached

Doc PenPen B. Takipsilim, famous poet from PHILIPPINES, is accepting the FATHER OF VISUAL POETRY OF SOPHY CHEN WORLDPOETRY AWARDS from poet, tranlator, SOPHY CHEN of China, (2019-11-23, Xi’an Hotel, Xi’an, China)

[Video] Sophy Translation C-E: Chinese Poet Ouyang Bai (68 poems), Won PENTASI B WORLD POET LAUREATE & WORLD ELITE POET...

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Awarded Poet: Ouyang Bai is a doctor of philosophy, a member of Chinese Writers Association, a vice president…
Sophy International Translation Publishing House

(H.k.) Sophy International Translation Publishing House The First Group of ISBNs Have Been Approved And ISBN Explaination

After months of hard work, (H.k.)Sophy International Translation Publishing House, its First Group of ISBNS Have Been Approved. The relevantdocuments are listed as follows:

[Video] Italian Poet Maria Miraglia Won 2019 World Poet Laureate Of Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards & 2019 Pentasi...

2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Awarded Poet: MARIA MIRAGLIA: Poet, Literary Director, co-founder, PABLO NERUDA CULTURAL ASSOCIATION, ITALY and the founder of World Foundation for Peace.

"Translator Sophy Chen:To Promote Chinese Poetry Internationalization By English Education" Published by Chinese "Cultural Monthly" Written by Chinese...

Art & Life Section, (semimonthly, June 2016), “Cultural Monthly”, directed by the Chinese Ministry of Culture, published a long article written by Chinese poet Dazang “Translator Sophy Chen: To Promote Chinese Poetry Internationalization by English Education”.

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